
Love it or hate it Milan is, with Rome, the most important city in the country. For many, it is the real capital of Italy, because it is its main economic and commercial center. Milan is also, needless to say, the trendiest city …

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On the 25th of September Italians, including those living abroad, are called to vote for the 2022 general elections. It is an important opportunity for citizens living outside of Italy to make their voices heard and choose their representatives for the …

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  “Italy isn’t Italy without donkeys.” – Princess Nicoletta Caracciola  Italy’s glories are numerous, and often they’re immortalized in kitschy miniatures easily packed and carted home by tourists. Models of the Coliseum, the David, Pisa’s tower, a gondola, a donkey…wait, what? …

Superstitious or not, don’t we all like to tip the odds in our favor with a little sprinkle of good luck – especially these days? Every culture has its go-to list of good luck enhancers, but when it comes to Italian …

It isn’t common to notice how much our language changes through time because, often, change is subtle and takes place through many years. When you think of it, Italians introduced English terms in their everyday language almost without noticing and the same …

Italy is a country where cheese is king. So much so, we kind of fight with our cousins, the French, to decide who loves cheese more. Truth is, both countries do. Cheese is more than something you use to add flavor to …

It is the longest river in Italy and it gives the name to one of its richest areas, the Pianura Padana,  but the Po, especially for the people who live along its banks, from Piemonte to Emilia Romagna, it’s much more than that. It’s …

In truth, it isn’t really their birthday we celebrate this August, but the 50th anniversary of their discovery. Since that day – it was the 16th of August 1972 – the Bronzi di Riace, perhaps the most famous classical statues in Italy, …

Spiaggia libera o stabilimento? This is the eternal question of Italy’s sea vacanzieri.  Spiaggia libera, which means, literally, “free beach,” is open to everyone, but has no services, besides an outdoor shower and public toilets. Stabilimenti, on the other hand, offer full services …

Don’t ask an Italian to read subtitles at the movies: we just don’t do that! Lazy cinema-goers could not be bothered to do it through a foreign film as everyone else in the world does, and in fact, they don’t even need …

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