Prosciutto crudo, known simply as “prosciutto” or “Parma ham” in English-speaking countries, is one of our Made in Italy’s most renowned products. Who doesn’t know it or hasn’t tried it in a sandwich, on a pizza or layered delicately on …
In the 18th century, at the height of the Baroque period, Naples, one of Italy’s most beautiful cities, was known as the città delle cinquecento cupole, “the city with five hundred cupolas,” because of the number of churches one could …
Can I be very honest with you? The idea that we Italians all love the sun and the summer is bogus. I, for one, don’t count the hottest season as my favorite: in fact, I quite dislike it. The heat …
Right at the top of the boot, an aristocratic frontier city lies on a narrow strip of land between the Adriatic Sea and Slovenia. Trieste‘s unique history as a hub for global cultural and commercial exchanges unveils a secret, haunted …
Thanks to archaeology, history and art, today we know quite a lot about the Ancient Romans, yet, there are still some mysteries to unveil: one of them is certainly that of the Vestals, the holy priestesses who dedicated their lives …
This year, we celebrate the 7th edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, an initiative that runs across the world with the support and participation of the Italian consular and diplomatic network, and that involves local Italian …
Romans love them, and their name gives away when they happen, but do we know what they are? Let’s take a look at our capital’s most loved autumnal tradition, the ottobrate. In the good old days and up to the …
In Catholicism, the Cult of the Dead is very important. Who isn’t familiar, especially in America, with the traditional Mexican celebrations for El Dia de los Muertos? In Italy, too, religious events and spiritual moments of remembrance hold hands with …
The peaceful majesty of the Dolomites is what comes to mind when we think about Trentino Alto-Adige. The region is popular among lovers of nature, trekking and skiing, as well as a favorite for gourmets, who enjoy its Mittel-Europa-meets-Italy take …
Il buon vino fa buon sangue, “good wine makes your blood good:” Italians love to say it while pouring another glass of hearty red, often while dining with friends. But where does this popular expression come from and is there …