La vita italiana
With its history connected to the mysterious Knights Templar, the walled village of Alberona could easily be used as the set for a neo-noir film. This atmospheric and depopulated Puglia borgo 30 minutes from Foggia would be perfect for an …
Dear Readers, July jottings with an Italian Connection: America’s first lady Eleanor Roosevelt (1933-1945), in a Fourth of July, Hyde Park, N.Y. parade, rode in a FIAT Roadster. Why would a tall woman like Eleanor squeeze herself and her hefty chauffeur Tubby Curnan into a FIAT …
Before midnight, the tide turned. Jubilation spread from the Baths of Caracalla to the Quirinal. Romans in nightshirts and slippers poured into the streets, braying whatever English they knew. “Weekend!” one old man repeatedly shouted. “Weekend!” The Stars and Stripes …
Thanks to months of rigorous lockdown, continuous monitoring and strict regulations, Italy is finally able to return to some sort of normality after Covid-19 hit its shores last February. This is truly great news for all Italians, who are able …
Kings of the internet, rulers of our homes, cats have also another important role in Italy: they are emperors of the Città Eterna. If you visited Rome, you know felines are revered and respected around its streets and that they …
What a peculiar summer this is: if it weren’t for the unbearable heat, it wouldn’t feel like a summer at all. Don’t get me wrong, Italians didn’t renounce to their Ferragosto-by-the-sea tradition, in fact, they’ve been letting loose a tad …
Ah, l’Italia! Paese di Santi, navigatori e poeti! Have you ever asked yourself why, historically, the people of Italy are seen as such? It seems to be particularly apt this time of the year, the fact that — according to …
Beauty and ingenuity. Italy is loved and admired for the many structures and monuments that sets it apart from the rest of the world. Our artists and craftsmen made history, they laid down the foundation of aesthetics and technique. Our …
Whenever my secretary Antonio pesters me for another collection of satires, I reply: “Beware, my son. Of the making of books there is no end.” If this seems jaded, it is only because I have witnessed so much ballyhoo and …
Si riparte, off we go. Off we go, back to work, to the gym, to grab a coffee with friends, but with our smiles covered with these ubiquitous little rectangles of blue or white material, so important to ensure our safety …