
Although, to date, the time machine is unfortunately just a sci-fi device, everybody can travel back to the past era of Roman Empire, simply by driving to the Getty Villa, in Malibu. The new, exciting and comprehensive exhibition, Roman Mosaics …

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In Italy, food means much more than nutrition, it is culture, heritage, tradition. Satisfying all senses at once in a voluptuous embrace, Italian food is impossible to resist. Its variety is legendary and its history rooted deep into that of …

Michelangelo’s paintings in the Sistine Chapel in the  Vatican are without a doubt the most celebrated paintings in Italy. The Sistine Chapel takes its name from the pope who consecrated it, Pope Sixtus IV, on August 15, 1493. But it …

Nowadays we buy all sorts of toys for our children, starting them off with the simplest ones: balls, pull-toys, rattles and such. When Lucas was a baby boy, his favorite was a cushy soft ball with a rattles inside–“Shakey Shakey”–he …

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Constantino Brumidi: not exactly a household name, and yet he was the man responsible for the decoration of several rooms and walls of the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. in the 19th century. Brumidi’s chief work, the allegorical fresco The …

Mother Mary is ubiquitous in Italy, considering the many churches and traditions revolving around her.  Her humble, carpenter husband can be forgotten behind his popular wife and (literally) godly foster child. While churchgoers flock to mass to praise Jesus and …

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Every year, the little town Bova-Chora in the Reggio Calabria area celebrates Palms Sunday with a special event, which is pretty much unknown in the rest of the region. The tradition consists of bringing, during a procession, huge female statues sculptured …

The Venetian Ghetto was the area of Venice in which Jews were compelled to live under the Venetian Republic. It is from its name in Italian (“ghetto”), that the English word “ghetto” is derived: in the Venetian language it was …

According to the legend, on April 21, Rome was founded by the mythical Romulus, who killed brother Remes in order to become ruler and founder. They calculated that the city was founded in 753 BC, that is, 2,768 years ago, …

The eternal city traces its birth to April 21, 753 B.C.  If you’re in Rome, you can enjoy festivities that include concerts, gladiator displays, a parade, and  fireworks over the Tiber. Throughout the year you’ll find traces of Rome’s long …

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