
The laurel plant, or laurus as it is known in Latin, is a symbol of triumph and honor, a plant of divine origins that found its way into our kitchens and our traditions. But have you ever wondered about the journey of this …

A few years ago, a study revealed a significant insight into Italians’ sense of identity, when it discovered they overwhelmingly consider their language as the most crucial factor defining national identity. The essence of this revelation lies in the discovery of of …

As you wander through Rome‘s grand piazzas, beneath towering arches, and past magnificent fountains, you can’t help but feel the greatness of its past right before your eyes: the Colosseum is an ode to human ingenuity, the Pantheon a marvel of architecture, and …

As the summer heat wanes and the air turns crisp, Italy undergoes a transformation. The country, renowned for its art, history, and gastronomy, dons a vibrant palette of autumnal hues, making it an even more enchanting destination. From the rolling …

Music, the universal language of the soul, subtly shapes our experiences, colors our memories, and stirs our emotions. It has the power to bring us to another time and place and evoke feelings that words alone cannot express. Now, imagine …

Have you ever gazed upon a piece of art or a grand architectural feat, found yourself lost in its beauty, yet unsure of what makes it so captivating? Could it be the meticulous details, the profound history, or something more …

You may know her from the “scandalous” Sicilian dessert, or at least have seen it in photos. Small mounds, covered in a layer of sugary, white marzipan and adorned with a candied cherry on top. It’s also popular in iconic …

Many are familiar with the founding date of Rome, the 21st of April. But have you ever wondered about the birth of the Roman Empire? Unlike the city’s legendary foundation, the inception of the Roman Empire isn’t marked by a singular, …

By Staff

The cult of Bacchus, or Dionysus as he was known in ancient Greece, has roots that stretch back to the cradle of Western civilization and, while many know him only as the god of wine, he was much more than that.  …

We all know that pizza, as we know it today, is a recent invention, but what if I told you that a recent archaeological discovery in Pompeii might shed some light on the existence of an ancient cousin of it?  Yes, you heard …

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