This spring, cities and counties statewide were forced to shut down, or slow down, their economies to control the spread of the virus. Consumer demand fell because of stay-at-home orders, rising unemployment and overall economic uncertainty. A report from Downtown …
She is a chef, a food writer, and a cookbook author, and she has learned the secrets of cooking from her grandmother, Nonna Fernanda. Chef Ale Gambini’s bio is a mix of working experiences, successes, and a passion for good …
The Week of Italian Cuisine in the World is back for it’s 5th edition and showcases Italy and the Italian taste in the world. The Week of Italian Cuisine in the World is a yearly initiative developed to promote Italian …
Over 26 million Americans of Italian descent currently reside in the United States, making Italian Americans the seventh largest ethnic group. Every October, the Italian-American Heritage Month aims at recognizing the contributions and achievements of these people and their ancestors …
The origin of lasagna, a very appreciated dish not only in Italy but all over the world, is rather controversial; there are in fact several regions that contend with each other for the invention of this layered pasta sheets, that …
On the occasion of the fifth edition of the World Week of Italian Cuisine, that will take place from November 15th to November 22nd, the Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles presents a copious menu of initiatives to celebrate the importance of post …
“Basically, I like images, I was born with images and I like to tell a story through them. This is my life.” The passion for the light and the colors that determine the depth and the aesthetics of a shot, …
The first weekend in October is usually busy for San Francisco. Residents and travelers greet the San Francisco Fleet Week to honor all men and women serving in the armed forces and celebrate the oldest Italian Heritage Parade of the …
The great wave of Italian immigration, which began in the 1880s and lasted until 1920, brought more than four million Italians to America. About 75 percent of them settled in cities on the East Coast, including lower Manhattan, Boston, Philadelphia …
Thin slices of peaches marinated in Prosecco, delicately wrapped around a scoop of vanilla ice cream and placed on a sauce of milk and lavender. An explosion of colors, shapes and lines that recalls the irrationality of an abstract painting …