Dear Readers, More November Notes with an Italian Connection: Thanksgiving Greetings to all my Italo-American Friends and Readers. There is nothing in life finer than friendships warm and true and Thanksgiving finds me grateful for every one of you… * …
Appuntamento a domenica prossima quando – nell’arco dell’intera giornata, complici le migliaia di gazebo allestiti sul territorio – il Partito Democratico ufficializzerà la scelta del proprio candidato Premier alle elezioni politiche di primavera. Ballottaggio tra il Segretario Bersani e …
Luigia Giuseppa Assunta Maria Pierina Tetrazzini was born on June 29, 1871 at 3 Via dei Renai in Florence. Her father was a military tailor who was not at all musically inclined. The girl, who would someday be the world-renowned …
In a recent column, we reprinted an open letter written by Carlo Dondero, which originally appeared in The San Francisco Call in 1903. The letter was written in response to public remarks made by Willis Paine, president of the Consolidated …
Tra un crisantemo, un gladiolo, un tulipano o una rosa ecco festeggiato ancora un altro anno il 2 novembre, giornata dedicata ai cari estinti. Sì, festeggiare, perché a Palermo e solo a Palermo i morti si festeggiano, non si onorano …
Now that spring has sprung, the Italian Cemetery in Colma has once again begun to offer Italian Heritage Tours of their grounds. One of the biggest “aha moments” of the tour starts out as a simple quiz on local Italian-American …
It was in 1891, at the age of twenty, that Domenico De Domenico left his home in Santa Lucia, near Messina, Sicily and immigrated to the United States. He sailed aboard the S.S. Washington from Palermo, arriving in New …
La Finanziera Piemontese è un piatto di origini antiche e povere che ha però sempre trovato sostenitori nell’alta gastronomia. Questa ricetta, ideata nel 1450 dal Maestro Martino da Como – il più importante cuoco del secolo XV e autore del …
When gold was discovered in California in 1849, a fortune-hungry horde poured into Yerba Buena, which recently had been renamed San Francisco. Practically overnight, the bayside settlement with a scant 450 inhabitants burgeoned to thousands. Many of the newcomers …
Born in Acero in the province of Genoa on November 26, 1839, Andrea Sbarboro first came to the United States in 1842 as a toddler. He grew up in New York, but like so many others, he and his …