Giulia Franceschini
On the first of July, the EU took yet another step towards “normality,” opening up its borders to 15 countries outside of the Union, without enforcing any quarantine procedure. Traveling among states member had already begun in early June, allowing …
Up to the second post-war period, Italy was a largely rural country, with an economy rooted in agriculture and a lifestyle that had remained virtually unchanged for centuries for the vast majority of its citizens. Since then, however, things changed …
We usually say that America is a melting pot of cultures and races, but did you know that, according to genetic research, Italy may be just as varied? The study was carried out by a team of researchers from Rome’s …
You are certainly familiar with it, the curnicello, or cornetto, that red chili pepper Neapolitans use to attract good luck and be protected by evil forces, or malocchio, as they call it. Found often on market stalls, it has become …
The Lacryma Christi is a wine from the Campania region of Italy produced in the area of Mount Vesuvius. Indeed, it is also known as Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio. It holds a DOC denomination, which means only when produced in …
Procida is still, in many ways, a well guarded secret. Contrarily to its more famous sisters, Capri and Ischia, Procida — that, when it comes to beauty, has nothing to envy to either of them, — remains a traditional, fishermen …
If you think of “Made in Italy,” two words spring to mind: quality and tradition. No business seems to embody them better than violin-making these days. A quintessentially Italian craft, the making of stringed instruments is associated with the Lombardy …
Sicily: cradle of beauty and fertile, golden triangle the world and the gods has envied us since the beginning of times. Only region the mighty Greeks, the Fathers of Western Culture and inhabitants of one of the most blessed lands …