How many people do you know that are capable of creating a new Italian verb and use that verb to name their art exhibit? Not many. Leave that kind of creative genius to our own San Francisco living legend, Lawrence Ferlinghetti. …
In the past weeks, Giovanni Tommaso (Lucca, January 21, 1941) has been successfully performing at the prestigious 39th Annual Watts Towers Simon Rodia Jazz Festival, as well as at the Italian Cultural Institute in L.A. Different formations – respectively a …
Celebrations for the 35th anniversary of the National Organization of Italian American Women (NOIAW) kicked off October 26 in New York City. A “unique sisterhood that welcomes women of all ages and phases of life,” NOIAW was founded in 1980 …
A leading expert in digital media worldwide, Italian entrepreneur Bibop G. Gresta was a key figure in the early development of the digital market and Internet technologies both in Italy and abroad. A native of Terni, he has been living …
“No Italians Need Apply” was the sign that Louis Rossetto’s grandparents had to read when they first moved to New York City from Bollengo, Piedmont, at the turn of the 20th century. The founder of Wired magazine is a son of …
The very best in Italian contemporary film is the hallmark of Cinema Italian Style, a film festival that runs November 12–19 in Seattle. In just a few years’ time, this popular series has become one of the city’s most exciting …
The September 3rd edition of L’Italo-Americano featured an article titled “Before Ferry Plaza There Was the Italian Farmers’ Market”. It told the story of the earliest, 20th century Italian farmers’ markets in San Francisco. Here we continue the story of …
If it were not for her nonna, Mary Tedesco would not be doing the work she is doing today: helping people from around the world find their Italian roots. A professional genealogist, Mary established ORIGINS ITALY, an Italian genealogy research …
Its name is Jellyfish Barge and it’s a floating greenhouse. On its wooden basement there are recycled plastic drums where to grow vegetables just exploiting sea water, solar energy and wind. No land needed. That means growing farms could happen …
“Se avete due pani, vendetene uno e comprate un fiore, perché anche l’anima ha fame.” If one has two loaves of bread, sell one and buy a flower, for the soul also has hunger. This Italian proverb spoken by …