The Sassi di Matera are an extraordinary example of ancient and sustainable human settlement in the southern region of Basilicata, Italy. These stone dwellings, etched into the limestone cliffs of Matera, represent one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, with origins dating …
Think about Brunelleschi’s cupola, in Florence, think about its color… that rich, beautiful orangey-red, so vibrant and clean, so vivid against the blue skies of a terse winter day. Well, that color is all down to Impruneta terracotta. Impruneta, set in …
Volcanic ash rained down, followed by a fiery flood of pyroclastic rock and toxic gas; the noonday was cast into darkness. Where only moments before a normal August afternoon had been underway, now lay mayhem and devastation. The opulent villas, …
The culture of good food is as central to the heart and soul of Italy as practically any other facet of the Dolce Vita. Each of Italy’s regions is renowned for distinctive food and wine specialties, all lovingly produced with pride …
The term Carnevale stems from the Latin expression carnem levare, which roughly translates to an urging to abstain from eating meat. Indeed, the day after Mardi Gras, the climax of Carnival, marks the beginning of Lent, a period extending until …
Chiacchiere, bugie, frappe, and cenci. No matter the name, they are a similar Carnival snack—thin, deep-fried strips of a liqueur-enriched dough that are tossed in sugar and munched upon during the festivities. In Venice, arguably home to Italy’s most famous …
In an era where the concepts of multiethnicity and multiculturalism are pervasive and dominate conversations in our highly connected and globalized world, it’s important to remember that this isn’t a new phenomenon in the annals of history. Indeed, our very …
The Battaglia delle Arance, or the Battle of the Oranges, is a unique and lively tradition held annually in Ivrea, a town in Italy’s Piedmont region. This event is part of the town’s historical carnival and takes place over three …
In the midst of the countless churches gracing the historic center of Palermo, some of which are UNESCO World Heritage sites, one cannot help but notice the one that occupies a prominent place at the Quattro Canti, or Piazza Vigliena. …
Italy is, by definition, a land of differences. From north to south, from east to west, landscapes, habits, food, climate, flora, and fauna: they all change. But perhaps nothing says as much about the country’s multifaceted, at times complex, reality …