While I am uploading this article on our website, we’ve just re-elected our beloved Sergio Mattarella to the Presidency of the Republic for a second time. It seems the right moment, so, to delve into the history of power and …
Burano is one of the three picturesque islands – the other two are Murano and Torcello – that share the lagoon with Venezia. Burano is known for two things: its lace-making tradition and the bright colors of its houses. If you have been to Burano, you know …
With February approaching, it is natural to think of Carnevale. Can’t you smell the sweet aroma of chiacchiere and frittelle in the air? But of course, this time of the year isn’t only about food, but also about the ageless tradition of dressing up in fancy …
Are you looking for a fresh, upbeat original Italian television series? Are you searching for love? On both accounts, your quests may be easier than you think! All you need to do is gaze up at the stars… and then …
You know Italians are passionate, sometimes even too much. You just need to look at them when it comes to soccer. In the kitchen, if there is something likely to start up a heated discussion around the table – besides …
Have ever heard about the Passetto di Borgo or, to say it in Romanesco, er Coridore de Borgo? This historical landmark is a bit of a 007-esque fixture in the middle of the baroque beauty of the area around the Vatican. The elevated and …
The ancient Romans are important for Italy: they are part of its history and heritage, a symbol of unity, and a constant presence in the collective imagination of the country. We like to read about them, discover what they used to do …
It’s difficult to say no to a piece of candy. Or two, if you have a sweet tooth. And while today’s globalized world means that a lot of the sweet treats we eat in Italy are the same you have …
Every Italian knows the word Galateo, but not many, I reckon, are acquainted with its rules. Actually, some of us may even be a tad confused about what it actually is: a book, a series of social norms, a historical treatise? …
Is there anything more quintessentially Venetian than a gondola? Well yes, perhaps: a gondoliere, or gondolier, to say it in English. We all know these colorful figures, so familiar to all those who visited La Serenissima at least once in …