La vita italiana

With February approaching, it is natural to think of Carnevale. Can’t you smell the sweet aroma of chiacchiere and frittelle in the air? But of course, this time of the year isn’t only about food, but also about the ageless tradition of dressing up in fancy …

Just like panettone, torrone is a classic of Italy at Christmas, that you’ll find in every household. But while panettone is almost a synonym of Milan, torrone is more ubiquitous, even if many associates it especially with Cremona. As we …

The Romans certainly knew a thing or two about beautiful yet sturdy, long-lasting architecture: I remember thinking just that the first time I visited the majestic Pont du Gard, in the South of France – closer to where I am …

          For centuries travelers have visited La Piazza della Bocca Della Verità located just south of Rome’s busy center. The significance of this piazza is that the traveler can see in one-stop Rome’s many layers: from the Roman temples, Temple …

It’s difficult to say no to a piece of candy. Or two, if you have a sweet tooth. And while today’s globalized world means that a lot of the sweet treats we eat in Italy are the same you have …

Holidays are all about sharing and making memories if you ask me. Sharing, because we end up spending a lot of time in the company of our family, definitely more than the rest of the year,  and that means sharing …

This year, La Serenissima turned 1600, and she carries her age well. According to tradition and historical sources, Venice was founded in 421 AD: it’s the Chronicon Altinate,  a chronicle dating from the 11th century, that tells us. Of course, …

If you’ve ever been to an Italian old-men bar, the one where your granddad would go spend the afternoon with his mates if that’s the type of thing he is into, or if you had the curse – or blessing, depending on …

Tutte le strade portano a Roma,  we say in Italian, “all roads lead to Rome.” Of course, that was the case in ancient Roman times, when the capital was the heart of the known world. Having a well-conceived, well-built road …

There is a place in Tuscany’s Mount Amiata region, where Christmas is synonym with fire. In truth, the connection between the two is quite common across the country, with ritual fire celebrations like those in Nemoli (Basilicata), Agnone (Molise), and …

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