
Art has a thousand shapes, a thousand colors, a thousand scents. There is no work of art that doesn’t run through more than one of our senses, creating a direct path to the soul. The colors of a painting all …

Life, we all know it, is truly unpredictable. There’s very little we can anticipate and we rarely think about how, at times, a cheerful, carefree moment with a loved one, a colleague, a family member or even a mere acquaintance, …

What comes to your mind when you think of Sardinia? Azure sea, sandy beaches, VIP resorts. If you are a bit more knowledgeable, your thoughts may also go to the island’s beautifully wild inland, or to the interesting features of …

According to the peoddddple at the Istituto Treccani — one of Italy’s most prestigious cultural institutions — there are 270,000 words in the Italian language, and that’s without considering the  declined and conjugated variations of them, in which case, the …

There is a lot to say  about epidemics, because epidemics are as old as Man himself. While what we’ve been experiencing since last month is, without a doubt, unprecedented for our generation and the one of our parents, epidemics and …

You don’t need to be a music expert to know the name “Stradivari”  (or Stradivarius, its latinized version). Along with his lesser known, but just as talented, Cremonese luthiers colleagues, Amati and Guarneri, he wrote a considerable piece of the …

What would a trip to Rome be without a selfie in front of the Trevi Fountain and the traditional tossing of a coin in its light blue waters? Who hasn’t stood in awe of our capital’s beauty from the Gianicolo, …

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is undoubtedly one of the most iconic, most famous works of art of all times. As such, it has always attracted crowds to the Refectory of the Dominican church of Santa Maria delle …

During a recent visit to the Museo Teatrale della Scala I admired many antique prints of commedia dell’arte situations. Commedia dell’arte was a theatrical genre that evolved in the latter part of the sixteenth century. It was a popular  reaction …

On the 21st of April, Rome turned 2.773 years old, but this was a very strange birthday indeed. No one was around her streets celebrating, there were neither aperitivi nor strolls at the Pincio with your loved ones, enjoying these …

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