
The Patrons of Italian Culture will hold their annual “Ferragosto”, Sunday afternoon, August 12.    The theme for this year’s event will be a “Venetian Gondola Get-a-Way” and will be held ‘beach-side’ at the beautiful Belmont Shores lagoon in Long …

By Staff

Annusare, assaggiare, riconoscere aromi e sapori. Educare il palato in modo che l’esperienza sensoriale porti poco alla volta a distinguere, e dunque scegliere, i prodotti migliori. L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles ha ospitato una “lezione di gusto” di …

The George L. Graziadio Center for Italian Studies at California State University, Long Beach is proud to announce that their Chair, Dr. Clorinda Donato will be this year’s recipient of the Education Award from the Western Foundation of the Order …

By Staff

Last June 1st, the Federated Italo-Americans of Southern California celebrated one of the most important recurrences of the year, the Italian Republic Day. They met at Casa Italiana for a gala dinner that brought together over a hundred guests, evidently …

By Staff

The Italian American community, led by the Federated Italo-Americans of Southern California, celebrated the 66th anniversary of Italy’s Republic Day with a certain amount of pomp and filial respect for the country they owe their birth or descent.   We …

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Arata Fine Art Gallery is hosting a new art show, as part of the North Beach First Fridays event for the month of July, exhibiting works from the private collection of Alessandro Baccari.   Mr. Baccari was born and raised …

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The San Mateo Italian American Social Club Foundation announced eleven winners of its 2012 Scholarship Awards.  Each of the graduating high school seniors was awarded $1,000 cash payable upon college registration.   The respective eleven winners are: Grant Cecil and …

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SAN FRANCISCO – June 16-17, 2012 – People flooded the streets of North Beach, that many locals and tourists call San Francisco’s  “Little Italy,” to take part in the longest running street festival. Featuring over 150 arts and crafts booths, …

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The Grand Lodge of California of the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) held its 76th annual convention at the Peppermill Hotel in Reno, Nevada this past week, on June 28th, 29th and 30th.  With delegates from the Grand …

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On June 10, the opening night of the new permanent art display “Toscana”, an exhibition of oil painting by Tuscan artist Domenico Monteforte  was presented at The Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco, in California. Among the participants at the …

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