
Second round for Lorenzo Cherubini, AKA Jovanotti, in Los Angeles. The Italian pop singer and songwriter stopped by Amoeba Records on August 13, for a 40 minutes show that was streamed on line. In the past years, many famous and …

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The art gallery Emerald Tablet, one of the more interesting galleries scattered around the lively North Beach district of San Francisco, is hosting several activities during the month of August, which are focused on diverse fields of the arts. The …

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Many authors have portrayed mafia in their novels, but not all are able to avoid the stereotyped image of Sicily and its people. Too often the criminal word of Southern Italy and those who are part of it are described …

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Spara con fucili italiani e il suo successo olimpico è legato alla precisione di tiro del marchio Perazzi. Kim Rhode è una atleta californiana che da una decina d’anni ha scelto di vivere a Monrovia, preferendola al resto di Los …

On August 5, 2012 F.I.L. held its final Summer Picnic at the Regional Park in Laguna Niguel with a capacity attendance and a soft breezy day. What could be better?   Chairpersons June Lange and Kate Burra executed a perfect …

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Great music, happy revelers, and fantastic Italian food helped make the fourth annual Festa Coloniale Italiana a rousing success. The last local Italian street festival in San Francisco kicked off Saturday morning under sunny skies; perfect weather brought out the …

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Fiero, imponente, espressivo. Un ritratto di forza e autorità. Il “Leone che attacca il cavallo” dà il benvenuto artistico al Getty Villa Museum di Malibu. In mezzo al patio che accoglie il pubblico, tra le pareti che imitano un’antica e …

Non ci poteva essere posto migliore di villa De Laurentiis a Beverly Hills, per ricordare la storica collaborazione tra le due capitali del cinema: Roma e Los Angeles. Così, la raffinata cena in stile familiare offerta da Martha De Laurentiis …

Il morso, con cui un leone dalla folta criniera afferra sul dorso un cavallo, non lacera ma sembra sollevare la pelle di pietra bianca. E la vittima, che segue l’assalto in un dolore composto, è piegata dalla forza massiccia e …

If the decades following World War II were the Italian cinema’s golden age, Italian actresses were the ones who made it sparkle and gleam. The earthy, mercurial Anna Magnani embodied the unvarnished emotional and moral force of neo-realism. Giulietta Masina’s …

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