
Dear Readers, 1. June – Giugno usually is a happy month with weddings, birthdays, graduations and Father’s Day (June 21), but due to the corona virus, it may NOT be so happy this year. Let’s not forget the feast days of …

Dona alla pelle un aspetto sano e favorisce la crescita dei capelli. Protegge dai metalli pesanti e stimola la crescita cellulare. Abbassa il livello di glicemia nel sangue e per questo è un valido supporto nelle terapie contro il diabete. …

By Staff

Dear Readers,  As theLabor Day weekend approaches let us all pause and give belated thanks to our immigrant parents, grandparents or great grandparents for making the decision to leave home and family behind in search of a better life and, …

Dear Readers, American History is being rewritten. Positive contributions made by our forefathers will soon disappear from our US.History Books. Before every shred of positive print is wiped out, I thought I would refresh your memory and mine by reprinting “I …

Dear Readers, “A man does not have to be an angel to be a saint,” said Albert Schweitzer.  The same holds true for Fr. Angelo D’Agostino, founder of Nyubani (Swahili for “home”) and the subject of a new book, DAG …

Dear Readers, Some extra Summer jottings with more Italian connections: Admiral Christopher Columbus statuary continues to be defaced throughout the USA but in 2020 it seems to be okay and with no “defacing public property” consequences. In Boston’s Italian North End, a beheaded Columbus statue …

October, the month Italo-American organizations throughout the United States celebrated Columbus Day with parades and public festas, is becoming a thing of the past. Since the 1992 Columbus Quincentennial commemorations, political activists have been watering down Columbus Day Discovery celebrations, to …

Magari non ci abbiamo mai pensato ma principi nutrienti e sali minerali si trovano anche nelle erbe aromatiche che in cucina usiamo per dare più sapore alle pietanze o quel tocco in più che fa la differenza tra un buon …

By Staff

Francis Albert Sinatra was the only child of two Italian immigrants. His father was Anthony Sinatra, a New York fireman of Sicilian origin, and his mother was Natalie Garavanta, called by her middle name, Dolly and was well known for …

By Staff

Dear Readers,  Grazie to those of you who responded to my “support your L’Italo-Americano press now!” message by putting pen to check-pad and ordering a new subscription for yourself, friends, or relatives. Thanks for understanding the importance of supporting our Italian American press, …

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