paula reynolds

There are those brands that rise above, morphing into a name that stands for an entire category of products. Kleenex, Chapstick, and Jacuzzi – all stand the test.  Whether it’s an innovative product or merely a great marketing scheme, when …

Gucci. Even if the name doesn’t immediately conjure up images of iconic green and red wide stripe motifs on everything from watches to leggings to luggage, unquestionably the name is instantly recognized by most anyone tuned into high end fashion.  …

If offerings of Italy’s best attributes enjoyed without the hustle-bustle fervor of too many crowds appeal to you, Le Marche may be just what the travel agent ordered. A diverse region encompassing about 3,700 square miles, Le Marche (or Marche) …

As soon as I boarded my flight home, I was scheming and plotting on how to return, how to get myself back to this enchanting land that had captured my heart. That first experience in Italy left an indelible mark …

Time machines — how many of us have imagined strapping into one, flipping a few switches to then find ourselves whisked into a whirling vortex — finally plopped into some ancient land of long ago? Only in our dreams or …

It almost seems like a distant memory. Plan a trip? No problem. Is that person smiling or scowling? Pretty obvious to me. Enough toilet paper on the grocery shelves? What kind of crazy question is that? And now – it …

Even the most diehard self-professing Scrooges out there probably succumb to at least a few of the joyful traditions of the Christmas season. Whether it’s scrumptious baked goods or carols sung loudly or the odd family tradition that no one …

The bombs’ reverberating thunder blended into hellish harmony with the fighter planes ripping the skies above. Crashes, blasts, and clenched-fist fear were the almost daily accompaniment to the rumblings of her family’s empty stomachs. “I’d clutch Nonna Luisa’s skirts while …

It’s not even up for debate. Italy is one of the grandest places on earth. Period. What then would we expect during the Christmas season in Italy but the best of ways to celebrate it!   One day? How about …

Separated by a mere two miles of sparkling sea at its shortest distance, the island of Sicily sits off the toe of Italy’s “boot,” looking somewhat like a football readied for the punt.  Italian by association, yet distinct and unique …