Word of the Day

Today’s word is very tasty and sweet! Canditi(singular: candito) are those little candied morsels you find in traditional panettone, along with sultanas. Canditi (kan-dee-tee) are just chopped candied fruit of all kinds, which are broadly used in patisserie not only …

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Our word this week, chiacchiere(kiahk-kieh-rai) is both pleasant and tasty, and it is also very much in line with the time of the year we are in, Carnevale. It is the plural form of chiacchiera, which comes from the verb …

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We’ve all met a sapientone (sah-pee-ehn-toh-nai) at least once in our lives, and I am sure I speak for everyone when saying we’d rather never spend time with them again! Sapientone comes from the word sapienza, which means “knowledge” or …

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Intanto (een-tan-toh) is today’s word. Attested for the first time in our beautiful language in the 13th century, it is formed by two terms, the preposition in and the adverb tanto. It is very common and we like to use …

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Who doesn’t want a white Christmas? Today’s word is welcomed by all those who enjoy snow! Nevischio (nai-vee-skeeoh) comes from the Italian word for snow, “neve,” and it appeared for the first time in our vocabulary in the 15th century. …

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Compagnia (com-pah-ñee-ah) is a beautiful word, with a very interesting etymology. It comes from the Latin cum panis (with bread), which can be extended in meaning to “sharing the same bread.” Because this is exactly what people do when they …

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The Italian word circa (cheer-kah) is not unfamiliar to English-speaking folks: we use it with dates to indicate something happened around the time we mention. In Italian, it has the same meaning, but with a couple more nuances. Of course, the circa we like in English …

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Divieto (dee-vee-ai-toh) means “prohibition” or “interdiction” in English. It comes from the verb divietare, which was first attested in the 14th century, and that we no longer use today, preferring the shorter version vietare. Of course, both old and “new” …

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Quindi (kween-dee) comes from the vulgar Latin expression eccum inde, “here from this point,” which then turned into cum inde, through a series of key linguistic mutations that change the way we pronounce words when speaking them fast. Ah, the …

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Today’s word is delicious! Panforte (pan-for-tai) is a type of traditional cake from Siena, made with nuts, candied fruit, honey, sugar and spices. The word comes from the pane, “bread,” and forte, “strong” or, in this case, “firm.” Panforte hails …

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Word of the Day
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