In the month of June, Italy’s Republic Day, the historic Statuto Race, and the 63rd annual North Beach Festival are celebrated as only San Francisco knows how. Red, white and green are proudly displayed throughout the month as these crowd-pleasing …
Healthy ingredients at the table? The quality of raw materials, the sustainability of the products and the simplicity of traditional recipes. All this is summed up with a concept: the Mediterranean Diet. These are the main points of Antonella …
At the end of World War II, Italy became a Republic, convincingly inspired by the principles of solidarity, justice and democracy, which are still indispensable foundations of the nation’s life. This is the message once again highlighted at the …
We often hear about the constant efforts by Italy’s regulatory bodies to safeguard our authentic “Made in Italy” merchandise mark. A lot of times, however, the best solutions are the ones developed by young start-up companies, like the Sardinian Autentico, …
The idea itself of dialect may be difficult to grasp for non-Italians. It’s not a language, yet it’s not a variety of one either. It may sound like Italian here and there, yet it can also be extremely different and …
The days of the old tradition of everyone in the extended family coming the grandparents’ home for Sunday dinner, every Sunday, might be gone, but through our stories they will never be far from our consciousness. The front door …
With more Unesco world heritage sites than any other country in the world and a history that spans millennia from the ancient Roman empire via Michelangelo’s art Renaissance to the world of operatic theatre preserving Italy’s historic culture is an …
Her foot taps, slowly at first but then more insistently. The beat quickens and her legs begin to twitch. And as the rhythm builds to a frenzied crescendo the young woman writhes and thrashes, possessed and entranced by the poison …
William Papaleo is a prominent painter whose dramatic depictions are full of controlled and potent emotion. The New York-born artist, a third generation American, captures the texture, colors and toil of Southern Italy, which has absorbed layers of history and …
Dante Ferretti – three-time Academy-awarded and seven times nominated for Art Direction (including a nomination for Costume Design) – is no doubt one of the most sought after production designers in the world history of cinema. Francesca Lo Schiavo, extremely …