La Buona Tavola

Seven Layer Rainbow Cookies…  the colorful cookie for all major holidays, parties and special occasions.  Ingredients:  2 Cups of flour, 4 Eggs yolks, 4 Egg whites, 1 Cup of sugar, 2 Sticks of butter, room temperature, 3/4 Lb Almond Paste, 4 Oz Semi-sweet Bakers chocolate, Food colors: …

By Staff

Sicilian sauce, pasta and eggplant parmesan on this episode of “You, Me & Sicily!” All past episodes are at  

By Staff

The tiny island of Burano in the Venetian archipelago, with its colorfully painted houses and boats tied all along the canals “like so many domestic animals,” as Cassiodorus observed in A.D. 537, might be one of the most enchanting places …

There is no better time than fall for visiting Italy. The weather is mild. It’s low season, and autumn foliage brings some additional charm to the already captivating Italian countryside. Also, many of the food products that have made Italy …

Every Italian region has its harvest rituals that make quick and tasty use of the foods of the season. Umbria, lush land of endless vineyards and porky delights, makes salsicce all’uva, pan-roasted sausages and grapes, a dish that joins two …

There is something deeply satisfying to me about the changing of the seasons.  Perhaps it is the shedding of the old and now familiar; the awakening of new colors, new aromas and the magnificent light. The cooler weather ushers in …

By Staff

Learn about this ancient frozen treat and about the biggest granita festival in Italy!

By Staff

Join our friends Alfred and Eszter as they sample some of their favorite delights ! All other episodes of ‘You, Me & Sicily!’ are at

Enjoy this special parfati made with Italian amaretto cookies and strawberries! Ingredients: 3 Cups Easy Custard Cream (LINK HERE) cooled to room temperature; 2 Cups Heavy Whipping Cream; 2 Tbsp Confectioners Sugar; 1 Cup Sliced Strawberries; 4-5 Amaretti Cookies crushed   Directions: Place a …

When it comes to holiday sweets, each region in Italy has its specialty, from cakes to torrone, from panettone to nougat. And although nowadays most of this sweet treats can be bought in supermarkets and grocery stores, most Italians still …

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