Adri Barr Crocetti

The whirl of the holidays means lots of parties and lots of visitors to feed, but when I was a kid my main concern was feeding two very special guests – Santa and La Befana. My sister made the hot …

Christmas is on its way, and it’s time for pizzelle – “little pizzas.”  Italy’s crisp waffle cookies have many regional names, nevole, ciarancelle and catarrette among them.   In Abruzzo, where the cookie is believed to have originated, they are …

We are right in the middle of the holiday season and that means we are busy.  But we still want to serve delicious and satisfying food.  What to do about dessert?  The answer is easy, elegant, ethereal and traditional – …

What to eat before Midnight mass?  On Christmas Eve that is always the question in our house.  We’ve eaten a big feast just hours before, but by the time 10:00 rolls around, as the rest of the relatives arrive for …

Say hello to Fernet Branca, one of Italy’s most famous amari. Made by the Fratelli Branca Distillerie, the alluringly herbaceous liquor with its distinctly bitter taste and spicy finish was invented in 1845. There are other brands of Fernet, but …

With their alluring blush, seductive perfume and luscious interior, peaches are the quintessential summer fruit.  Whether eaten out of hand, baked in a pastry crust, dropped in wine or filled and oven roasted, a peach is a uniquely summertime indulgence. …

It’s summer, and that means gelato and sorbetto aplenty.  Try these two recipes for delicious and refreshing desserts.  The sorbetto is easy to do, and with its clean bright taste, it captures the best of summer blueberries.  It makes a …

Stuffed tomatoes are the quintessential summer dish, their sweetness enhanced by a turn in the oven. They are a beautiful contorno at dinner or a lovely lunch served with a crisp white wine and green salad. A filling of fleshy …

Strolling through my neighborhood Farmer’s Market I discovered an embarrassment of riches. There were beautiful red strawberries bursting with flavor, fat and juicy blueberries, and raspberries with their delicate perfume and jewel-like texture.  Last but certainly not least, I spied …

Every one enjoys an Icy Pop in summer, kids and adults alike.  But this summer the thing to enjoy is a Boozy Pop.  An adults only treat, these specialties are sophisticated combinations of fruit and some very fancy liquors.  Boozy …