
The Sistine Chapel is probably one of the most celebrated works of the Renaissance era. Built in the 15th century under Pope Sixtus IV and named in his honor, the chapel forms part of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace and serves …

The discovery of a 17,000-year-old skeleton in Grotta delle Mura, near Monopoli in Puglia, offered new insights into the genetic history of early human populations in southern Italy. The child, who died at just 16 months of age, is one …

On November 4th, we mark the 58th anniversary of the devastating 1966 Florence Flood, a tragedy that also highlighted extraordinary resilience. In recognition of this milestone, L’Italo Americano had the pleasure of interviewing Karen Greenwald, author of The Mud Angels …

A newly discovered manuscript of Il Milione, Marco Polo’s famous account of his travels, has been found in the Biblioteca Diocesana Ludovico Jacobilli in Foligno, a historic town in the Umbria region of central Italy. The discovery is significant also due to …

The ticking of typewriter keys, constant like the stream of thoughts racing through the mind and eyes of a reporter as they translated events witnessed just hours before into words, was the unmistakable soundtrack that filled newspaper offices until the …

One of Rome’s most famous landmarks, the Spanish Steps (Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti), has become the subject of a recent ownership dispute between Italy and France. While this iconic site has long been associated with Italian culture and history, …

While names like Antonio Meucci, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison dominate the pages of technological history, not many know Innocenzo Manzetti, an Italian inventor whose remarkable innovations included one of the earliest prototypes of the telephone and, very importantly …

In the evening, we would get into the car and drive to the curve or straight stretch we had scouted out in the days before. Armed with blankets—the spring nights were still chilly, especially in those mountainous or hilly areas—we …

The Domus Aurea, or “Golden House,” is perhaps the most recognizable and widely known symbol of Emperor Nero’s extravagant ambitions; built between 65 and 68 AD after the Great Fire of Rome — remembered because of the (fictitious) image of …

As Columbus Day was celebrated this year in the United States, on the other side of the Atlantic, a new and highly charged debate over Christopher Columbus’ nationality reignited between Spain and Italy. The catalyst for this renewed controversy was …

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