La vita italiana

Delightful mandolino is a symbol of Neapolitan culture and music that, outside of Italy, came to symbolize the Bel Paese as a whole. Almost two centuries of migration towards all corners of the world, especially of people coming from the …

I’ve recently come across an article published by Business Insider,  then proposed in Italian on the website. In it, ten things about Italy that shock foreigners are listed. Curious, I scrolled the article and began wondering: how do I …

It is a well-known fact that the city of Rome becomes a stifling oven during the summer months, and it is during this time that the city appears eerily quiet every weekend, as the locals evacuate the city for some …

When I used to live in Liguria, there was a place I loved particularly. It wasn’t a beach, nor a promenade, as you may expect, perhaps, in a region known for its seaside beauty. It was a convent. In Loano, …

Who doesn’t love pizza? Yes, of course, Italian cuisine is much more varied, but there are certain times when you can’t beat a good slice: a Saturday night out and about with friends, an evening in front of the TV …

La Bocca della Verità: sounds rather ominous, don’t you think? If you look at it, all stone, stern eyes and wide, gaping mouth, the sense of dread is even stronger. The famous classical times’ “lie detector” was probably, in origin, …

Exactly one year ago Italy first, then the US found themselves in the eye of a storm caused by a new, incredibly contagious virus.  We were hit by a wave of fear. Thick clouds forced us inside our homes, incredulous: …

I think we all agree on this: Palermo is one of Italy’s most beautiful cities. Crossroad between East and West, it is a melting pot of cultures, people, flavors and colors. It is reminiscent of the Middle East like no …

Twelve months ago, during the first lockdown caused by Covid-19,  Italians rediscovered the pleasures of cooking. Don’t get me wrong, compared to other people in the world, we spend an awful lot of time in the kitchen, but sheltering at …

Research carried out a few years back found out that the vast majority of Italians considered language the strongest representation of their “being Italian.” It seems a legitimate view: in a country where traditions and cultural habits can change drastically …

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