La vita italiana

Easter is a very important moment for the people of Italy: for those still actively practicing, it is a time of meditation and prayer, steeped in profound spiritual meaning; for everybody else, it remains deeply tied to memories of traditions, …

A recent survey carried out by Best Countries and Published by US News ranked the world’s countries from best to worst. Finding places like Switzerland, Canada and Germany among the highest ranking is not surprising just as, all in all, …

Italian celebrations for International Women’s Day are, usually, rather cliché: journalists and TV hosts become experts of women history and sociology, bringing out their customary speeches for the occasion, only to forget it all the following day, when they focus …

Nevermind how long you have lived in Rome, you’ll always find something new to discover, or so do its lucky residents say. Of course, Rome is art, history and good food. It’s tradition and the very heart of Italian identity. …

Just like the rest of the world, Italy has been following the POTUS’ work, both at home and on the international arena, with interest.. Curiosity turned into fully fledged concern in the last couple of weeks, after hearing of the …

The craft of rope makers, funaio or cordaro, is as old as Man: a thousands-year long art, based on an easy manual technique, where two only apparently simple factors join forces: the rush (which in Italian is called giunco and …

By Staff

The expression Made in Italy itself is almost perfectly synonymous with Italian craftsmanship, or artigianato, to say it as we do. From culinary products to clothing, from jewelry to leather goods and fabrics, the importance of human hands and of …

Living on an island presents a number of challenges. The first priorities are food, shelter and a reliable source of drinking water. The earliest settlers of the Venetian saltwater lagoon, however,  only had two out of three as freshwater was …

Naming a child is usually one of two things: a matter of trends or a matter of tradition. Every year, parents all over the world let celebrities and VIPs inspire their choices, just as it happened in 2017, when “Rumi”  …

For over forty years, I have been living in both Italy and the US. I feel Italian and American, Italiana and Americana, sounds almost like a Starbucks drink! The difference with being Italian-American is that I feel the two cultures …

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