La vita italiana

The annual Winter Fancy Food Show by the Specialty Food Association was back in the Bay Area, as the largest marketplace devoted to specialty foods and beverages on the West Coast kicked off, on January 13.  It was 1952 when, …

When it comes to food, Italy remains traditional to its core. Don’t get me wrong: the country has long embraced international cuisine and has certainly become more demanding when it comes to it. We want gourmet burgers and know that …

Renting a car is easy enough. It’s all that comes afterwards that can create enough material for a good sit com! I still chuckle at the expression of horror on friends’ faces as I enthusiastically answer “Yes!!” when asked if I drive in …

CREATIVE/ENGAGING TITLE NEEDED!!! Italy’s own “Willy Wonka”, Michele Ferrara created Nutella … he also created which of the following??? Italy’s own “Willy Wonka”, Michele Ferrara created Nutella … he also created which of the following??? Description Option Italy’s own “Willy …

By Staff

Visiting the Fontana di Trevi, turning your back at it and throw a nickel into its waters, with the hope of coming back, one day, to Rome, the most magical place in the world. Of course, all tourists do it: Rome has …

For ten days in December, a scirocco paralyzed Rome. Traders, oblivious to a rise in corn, moped around the Triton Fountain in Piazza Barberini. Socialites, veiled and caped in otter, drowsed in park carriages on the Corso. From the loggia …

You’re young, smart and hold a prestigious degree: the world is at your feet! Or not, because employment opportunities are meagre and you’re still struggling with reaching the end of the month, when you aren’t just living off your parents, …

Cooking for new destinations to visit or places to return to this year? The New York Times Travel Show has set the 2019 trends for globetrotters by making its way back to the New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention …

This, more than any other before, is the year of Leonardo da Vinci, as we celebrate the 500th anniversary of his death, which took place in Amboise (France) on the 2nd of May 1519. Leonardo, then, was 67. He had …

When your grandparents bring you up, getting cured with peculiar medical remedies is as natural as getting double portions on your dinner plate because you’re the youngest. We all got warm milk, honey and a drop of rum when we …

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