Los Angeles

From the moment we entered the Mission Viejo Country Club, there was a long table beautifully decorated with original Venetian Masks and the two chairladies beautifully dressed and adorned with Venetian Masks over their eyes.     JoAnn Waller and …

By Staff

Unexpected flavors from Italy – Promoting the culinary art of the Italian new generation New York, Washington DC, Miami, Los Angeles, Montreal: after China, the 6th Edition of Hit week arrived to Canada and the United States, bringing to the …

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China, Canada and the US – The Italian music industry looks overseas Second spotlight on Hit Week 2012: this time it’s about Italian music.   No doubt Subsonica, Negrita and Emma Re would have gathered all the Italians in Los Angeles. …

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Organizzata da Made in Milan International Film Society, in collaborazione con Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles, Consolato Generale d’Italia in Los Angeles, Expo Milano 2015 e Lombardia Film Commission, la dodicesima edizione del Miff’s Best si è svolta …

By Staff

The Italian migration in the US. Understanding history to understand each other The story of Italians in the US is incredibly fascinating, as well as intricate and too often generalized and ignored. It’s the story of a brave population who …

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New Audiences for Italian: Learning a language through Intercomprehension One of the factors that have to be taken into consideration when teaching a language is the ethnic reality, an element that can turn into a plus if used the right …

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Il 2013 sarà l’anno della cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti.   Un’opportunità preziosa, per aggiornare un pubblico curioso ed esigente, come quello che vive sulla costa occidentale e in California meridionale, sulla forza del processo creativo contemporaneo in Italia e …

By Staff

Ciak si gira! L’edizione 2012 di Cinema Italian Style promette un viaggio tra la passata, brillante Italia dell’epoca di Cinecittà e le attuali questioni sociali che agitano la penisola.   Il Festival ha preso il via il 13 Novembre all’Egyptian …

By Staff

The Federated Italo-Americans of Southern California is an umbrella organization that unites many clubs and societies supporting the Italian heritage in Southern California.   Originally organized “to gather the strength of all Italo-American organizations and unify their efforts,” of significant …

“Nelson brings the spyglass to his blindfolded eye, observes the carnage with the wrong eye, the blind one, and sees only the black (…) A blindfold is convenient, it helps you close an eye to the slaughter”.   This sentence …

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