The Italian Connection

October, the month Italo-American organizations throughout the United States celebrated Columbus Day with parades and public festas, is becoming a thing of the past. Since the 1992 Columbus Quincentennial commemorations, political activists have been watering down Columbus Day Discovery celebrations, to …

Dear Readers,  As theLabor Day weekend approaches let us all pause and give belated thanks to our immigrant parents, grandparents or great grandparents for making the decision to leave home and family behind in search of a better life and, …

Dear Readers,  April-April comes from the Latin word aperture which means to open. 1. April Fool’s Day is a day people play silly pranks. So be alert. The United States orbited the first weather satellite April 1, 1960. 2. St. Francis of Paola was …

Dear Readers, Our National Elections will take place in a few days, so I thought I would share a little political gossip with you from days gone by. Back in 1934 a piece titled Roosevelt and I by Benito Mussoliniappeared in the World Digest Magazine. …

Dear Readers,  Grazie to those of you who responded to my “support your L’Italo-Americano press now!” message by putting pen to check-pad and ordering a new subscription for yourself, friends, or relatives. Thanks for understanding the importance of supporting our Italian American press, …

Dear Readers,March brings shamrocks and my annual “St. Patrick was Italian” column: A “St. Patrick was Italian” remark, tossed into your March conversations, can make boring talk into boiling talk if you have some conversational fodder, to buttress your claim. …

Dear Readers, on Veteran Day I am reminded that on November 11, 1918, the Armistice agreement was signed and fighting on all battlegrounds ceased at 11 a.m. as the guns of World War I fell silent after 4 long years. The …

Dear Readers,  a March minestrone of Italian connections for you: March 17, 1861 is the day the Kingdom of Sardinia changed its name to Kingdom of Italy. Here is a brief look back at the “new management.” The Kingdom of …

Dear Readers,  April marks the 147th anniversary of the birth of the great Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi. April also marks the month when Guglielmo Marconi, born in Bologna  April 25, 1874, was hailed worldwide as a benefactor and hero to humanity. The …

Dear Readers, McCloud California in Siskiyou County, at the foot of Mount Shasta is often featured on television or in print as an ideal spot for Bay Area weekend get aways. I was unaware of any Italian connections in McCloud California, …

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In Italian
All Around Italy