serena perfetto
Stepping into the life of ancient Pompeii without taking a flight to Italy. Impossible, you may think… unless you’re in the Bay Area. After a delay due to the pandemic, the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco opened its …
29,480 community members served. 9,888 social activities. 3,840 volunteers’ hours. And counting. These are just a few of the numbers that best represent the Italian Community Service, the organization based in the Bay Area and serving the Italian-American Community since …
Lorenzo Ortona came to California to serve as Consul General of Italy in San Francisco five years ago, bringing his wife, journalist Sheila Pierce, and his two children, Sofia and Luca along. The time for a goodbye just arrived and …
The Festival Napa Valley reopened its door in the beautiful wine country after the interruption caused by the pandemic last year. Together with local artists, the programming brought one of the most representative Italian ballet dancers, Roberto Bolle, to California. …
There was a time, in the last few years, when finding a seat to eat authentic Italian pizza or stopping for gelato required days of planning and scheduling. Because, across all the Bay Area, from Marin to the South Bay, …
Five months have gone by since the Shelter-in-Place order became official and, ever since, everyone has been wondering the same: how am I going to use this extra available time while at home? Many got into cooking, which meant trying …
The second stop of our resilience series takes us to the social media world and how technology has been connecting people, as well as allowing them to explore new things and kick off some fun activities. Together with technology, what …
This Spring, wherever you are, there’s a program full of events launched by the Italian Cultural Institute in San Francisco that can be followed on your laptop or streamed through your TV, safe at home. From food to arts, to …
The first weekend in October is usually busy for San Francisco. Residents and travelers greet the San Francisco Fleet Week to honor all men and women serving in the armed forces and celebrate the oldest Italian Heritage Parade of the …
Starting a new job in the middle of the pandemic has been tough for many. Needless to say, it is as hard if that means moving overseas to take on the role as new Consul General. Consul General of Italy, …