francesca bezzone

Napoletana, Romana and al taglio. Margherita, capricciosa and quattro stagioni: of course, we are talking about pizza. But while these varieties are known across the globe, they are far from being the only ones, and I am not only speaking about toppings. If it’s true that pizza is …

 We Italians are known for having pretty strong feelings and opinions about things: for most of us, being diplomatic doesn’t come easily, even though Italy is considered one of the founding nations of the art of diplomacy. Perhaps it boils down to …

Aceto Balsamico di Modena is one of the most popular Italian products around the world. When I used to live abroad, in Northern Europe, I’d find it as an ingredient in a bit of everything from salad to sandwiches, and in …

Umbria is the heart of Italy, quite literally: it is almost perfectly at the center of the peninsula, nestled as it is between Tuscany, Marche, and Lazio. It is also known as the “garden of Italy,” because of the beauty of …

In truth, it isn’t really their birthday we celebrate this August, but the 50th anniversary of their discovery. Since that day – it was the 16th of August 1972 – the Bronzi di Riace, perhaps the most famous classical statues in Italy, …

Cinema has the power to bring us back in time and carry us to other places: it’s not surprising that, for many, watching a movie is the best way to relax. And if you have a connection with Italy, it’s …

Many of you are probably familiar with La Cucina Italiana, the famous Italian culinary magazine which, since 1929, has been collecting, discussing, and presenting food trends and recipes from the peninsula.  Besides being a treasure trove of recipes and ideas to …

Call them as you like: naps, power naps, or afternoon naps… those 30 minutes of postprandial rest are a sine-qua-non daily feature for many people around the world, but perhaps no one appreciates them and made them part of their culture …

When we think about the quintessential Renaissance artist, thoughts – quite rightly – go almost immediately to Leonardo or Michelangelo, and only those with a passion for and some knowledge of art history would mention Benvenuto Cellini. But the Florentine goldsmith is …

Venezia is a jewel the entire world envies us. And while there may be other cities that live on water, there isn’t a place on Earth quite like her. Venezia doesn’t only strike for her beauty and her history, but also …