chiara dalessio
While I am uploading this article on our website, we’ve just re-elected our beloved Sergio Mattarella to the Presidency of the Republic for a second time. It seems the right moment, so, to delve into the history of power and …
Tutte le strade portano a Roma, we say in Italian, “all roads lead to Rome.” Of course, that was the case in ancient Roman times, when the capital was the heart of the known world. Having a well-conceived, well-built road …
After two years, traveling has been happening again. Our first, timid attempts at normality brought us weekend adventures not far from home and, for those not far from a foreign country, perhaps even some international fun. Of course, it isn’t …
Just like panettone, torrone is a classic of Italy at Christmas, that you’ll find in every household. But while panettone is almost a synonym of Milan, torrone is more ubiquitous, even if many associates it especially with Cremona. As we …
Sardinia, along with other areas of Italy such as Cilento (Campania), is a place with reaching 100 is not that unusual, and it is especially so in Perdasdefogu, in the province of Nuoro, a village of just over 1,700 that recently …
Holidays are all about sharing and making memories if you ask me. Sharing, because we end up spending a lot of time in the company of our family, definitely more than the rest of the year, and that means sharing …
As you know, Italy’s just got her new President of the Republic, after Sergio Mattarella ended his 7-years mandate. The country is happy to introduce to the world his substitute: Sergio Mattarella. Indeed, Mattarella got re-elected, something that has only happened …
With February approaching, it is natural to think of Carnevale. Can’t you smell the sweet aroma of chiacchiere and frittelle in the air? But of course, this time of the year isn’t only about food, but also about the ageless tradition of dressing up in fancy …
It’s difficult to say no to a piece of candy. Or two, if you have a sweet tooth. And while today’s globalized world means that a lot of the sweet treats we eat in Italy are the same you have …
When we talk about archaeology, we don’t necessarily think about food. Anyone who is passionate about history, however, knows that there are plenty of sources that, across the centuries, detailed the evolution and recipes of the culinary world of our …