When he received the Oscar, Ennio Morricone said: “I consider this prize as a point of departure, not of arrival.” Probably we should all embrace the spirit of this man, a true Italian icon, a maestro who “has been and …
Finally, Italy is up and working again. Our borders are open to all other EU countries, stores and restaurants finally welcome customers and patrons, and our museums, too, are able to display their treasures to the world again. We are …
Issue 6, Dott. Francesco Chiappelli, Prof. Emerito UCLA Center for the Health Sciences CoViD-19 pandemic as of 3 June 2020: Globally – Confirmed Cases: 6,567,060+; Fatalities: 387,899+. Recovered: 3,164,250+ Italia – Confirmed Cases: 233,600+; Fatalities: 33,600+. Recovered: 160,940+ US – …
Some artists write history, define styles. True King Midas, they transform into gold everything they touch. They do leave a mark in life. Ennio Morricone only needed seven notes. Notes that, on the pentagram, would become poetry, vibration of the …
Issue 7, Dott. Francesco Chiappelli, Prof. emeritus UCLA Center for the Health Sciences Dott. Francesco Chiappelli, Prof. Emer. UCLA Center for the Health Sciences. For comments, questions or the Italian version of these few thoughts, please contact: CoViD-19 pandemic …
Gucci. Even if the name doesn’t immediately conjure up images of iconic green and red wide stripe motifs on everything from watches to leggings to luggage, unquestionably the name is instantly recognized by most anyone tuned into high end fashion. …
The world has been fighting the same enemy. Reality is, there is not such a thing as escaping the virus, but in Italy we’ve finally reached a moment when it’s important to start looking forward and try to reach some …
Si allentano le restrizioni previste dal Governo nella “Fase 2” che corrisponde a un lento e graduale ritorno alla vita produttiva e sociale. Nessun liberi tutti e poche aperture agli spostamenti, con l’imperativo del “distanziamento sociale”, l’arma più potente per …
We recently published an article how Sicily, in an attempt to attract more tourists to its shores, was to implement travel bonuses and offer free nights on hotel bookings. What comes out today is that, in fact, beautiful Trinacria is …
L’influenza spagnola degli anni 1918-19 fu la più grande pandemia del XX secolo. Si ritiene che oltre 200 milioni di persone siano state colpite dalla malattia in tutto il mondo e che il numero dei morti sia stato superiore ai …