After three eventful days in Naples, we rented a car and drove over the mountain pass to the Amalfi Coast, the iconic site of southern affluence and prosperity. The Amalfi Coast is another of those iconic, idealized images of the …
On February 26th 1917, clarinetist and bandleader Nick LaRocca (born in New Orleans, Louisiana, from Sicilian parents) passed into the annals of jazz history. In fact, that day in New York City, his Original Dixieland Jass (Jazz) Band – that …
Everyone wants to be Italian! That pretty much sums up the raison d’etre of one of the Northwest’s most lively and fun radio talk shows. The Northwest Italian Radio Show is broadcast live for two hours every Monday afternoon …
“The moment of arrival was euphoric, and then silence fell upon them. They were afraid they wouldn’t be let in. The question on everyone’s mind was ‘Will we enter or not? Will they let us pass?’” This is the scene …
What comes to mind when you think of Sicily? Breathtaking Mediterranean beaches? The movie The Godfather, perhaps? If it’s not the overabundance of food found in the streets, you need to think again. The open-air street markets of Palermo, Sicily …
Eric Scigliano has been reporting on science and environmental topics for more than 30 years. Raised in the Midwest, he arrived in Seattle in the 1970s, attracted by the city’s then-industrial working class feel and its proximity to salt water. …
On March 2nd, San Francisco celebrated the First Italian Design Day. Hundred Italian institutes worldwide greeted designers, entrepreneurs, journalists, and professors, who acted as Ambassadors of culture and helped understand the impact Italian design has today on art, philosophy, and …
I have lived for fifteen years outside of Italy and had to endure the oh-so-harsh reality my beloved adoptive country knew next to nothing about aperitivo: the ritual, the food and, crucially, the drinks. Honed by years of aperitivo practice …
If I had to extrapolate a “common denominator” from the Italian artistic team that won this year’s Academy Award for Best Achievement in Makeup and Hair Styling for David Ayer’s, Suicide Squad (2016), I would say first and foremost that …
The San Francisco Bay Area has been fortunate to host several events highlighting the notable work of Italy’s prestigious publishing house, Tallone Fine Print Books. January 31 through February 11, 2017, San Francisco State University’s Frank V. de Bellis Collection, …