There are many things about summer in Tuscany that are similar to the summers where I used to live (14 years ago) in California, but today I want to think more about a few of the differences. First, and foremost, …
Finding Shane Finley was easy. Via email, we planned to meet for lunch at Bourbon Steak in Washington, D.C., a restaurant that’s housed at the Four Seasons. While the steakhouse is known for having one of the best wine …
Wine writers love explaining why Champagne and other sparkling wines deserve a spot at the dinner table all year long. Good sparklers are characterized by vibrant acidity and freshness, which help them cut through spicy meals, complement savory food, and …
“This democratization of wine is great,” asserted Jancis Robinson, one of the world’s leading wine authorities, over coffee one recent morning. Robinson was in Washington, D.C., to promote the seventh edition of The World Atlas of Wine, the indispensable reference …
Per scoprire il successo commerciale portentoso del Canei, nel 1987 invitarono l’ultimo rampollo della casa Bosca nel loro ranch di Modesto in California. Essere superati nella strategia di vendita da una piccola azienda che a Londra aveva solo tre …
‘Tis the season to party. With 2014 just a few weeks away, holiday party season is in full swing. So hosts everywhere are assembling menus, fretting about guest lists, and blowing their budgets on decorations. Fortunately, selecting wines doesn’t …
In Greek mythology, Dionysus was the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness and religious ecstasy. He was also known as Bacchus, the name given him by the Romans, who celebrated through him agriculture and wine. …
“When I wrote the book,” explained wine merchant Kermit Lynch, “I thought the oenologists were going to take over.” We were chatting about Adventures on the Wine Route, Lynch’s seminal tour of France that can be found on every …
Frank Mangio loves his job. First of all, he describes his office as a “cozy wine bar,” complete with overstuffed furniture, walls covered with photographs and several coolers housing more than one hundred bottles of wine. Not a bad place …
Each year, the wine world eagerly awaits Wine Spectator’s “Top 100” list. Since 1988, the magazine’s editors have looked back over the wines they’ve reviewed over the previous 12 months to rank the 100 wines that most impress them …