I have known Maurice DiMarino when he began with the Cohn Restaurant Group at Island Prime. As he proved himself as a sommelier , he was assigned more restaurants until now, he proudly can say he is the Certified Sommelier/Wine and …
August is barely here and already harvest whistles are blowing for one of the major varietals of wines in NapaValley, the sparkling wines. A collective sigh of relief was also being heard by winemakers as last winter was one of the driest …
When I was going through San Diego State University as a “late-blooming” student chasing a Journalism degree, I used to ponder the role of the “gatekeepers,” those news editors who had the responsibility of using press releases for articles, or flushing them into the round file, never to …
I hated eggplant as a kid. So did my sister, Michele. And my Mom’s attempts to get us to eat it were met with fierce resistance. Wartime-style subversive resistance. Josie’s eggplant Parmigiana was made by breading and frying the …
I was totally and utterly WRONG. No doubt about it. I have noticed a few recipes that have, over the past month, called for the use of ‘tomato water’. In reading further, tomato water is simply that red-hued tasty liquid …
As of day five after the 6.0 earthquake that struck the southern district of Napa Valley, damage estimates may top four billion dollars, with 120 injuries, 3 critical, with over 103 dwellings “redtagged” as un-livable. 104 smaller earthquakes have been recorded to …
In Greek mythology, Dionysus was the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness and religious ecstasy. He was also known as Bacchus, the name given him by the Romans, who celebrated through him agriculture and wine. …
A parade of new releases from the traditional Tuscany wine country and from parts not so well known, have made 2014 an” Italian Job,” with a flood of new releases. With the Italian government’s help in some campaigns, Italian wineries in unfamiliar …
August is tomato time. Each year in early Spring I always plant more than we’ll ever eat. But I can’t resist names like Cuore di Bue, Costoluto Fiorentino, Principe Borghese and more. I fill my orto with tiny seedlings that …
Before I even thought about the relevance of wine and food, Poseidon on the beach in Del Mar was my hangout. My radio buddies and I got all fired up around the big pit by the bar and the conversation about sports, music, radio …