La Buona Tavola

Gelato is one of Italy’s great gifts to the world, and once you have tasted authentic Italian gelato, you understand why this is true. Italians consider gelato to be their ice cream, but it really is quite different from American …

On this episode of You, Me & Sicily we sample some street foods that will make you go WOW! Wait till you watch this!   All episode of You, Me & Sicily are at and follow You, Me & …

By Staff

Say hello to Fernet Branca, one of Italy’s most famous amari. Made by the Fratelli Branca Distillerie, the alluringly herbaceous liquor with its distinctly bitter taste and spicy finish was invented in 1845. There are other brands of Fernet, but …

It’s summer, and that means gelato and sorbetto aplenty.  Try these two recipes for delicious and refreshing desserts.  The sorbetto is easy to do, and with its clean bright taste, it captures the best of summer blueberries.  It makes a …

Summer, sweet summer is finally upon us. My garden has begun to take its shape as the temperatures soar and nature begins to work her magic.  My basil plants have exploded seemingly overnight.  If I sit quietly and watch, I …

The heat of mid-summer calls for ease and simplicity in the kitchen.  My summer repertoire evolves into one that allows the flavors of the simple ingredients to shine through while leaving plenty of time for me to enjoy the fruits …

If Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean after Sicily, with 2,000 kilometers of spectacular coastline and some of the most pristine scenery in the world, you might ask, why don’t Americans know much about it? That question …

Every one enjoys an Icy Pop in summer, kids and adults alike.  But this summer the thing to enjoy is a Boozy Pop.  An adults only treat, these specialties are sophisticated combinations of fruit and some very fancy liquors.  Boozy …

My introduction to grilling started when I was a very young child. My grandfather would place a large steak in a grill basket, take my hand and lead me down the narrow cellar stairs to the coal furnace that heated …

Visit the Public Wine Shop of Lunigiana and Liguria, in Castelnuovo Magra (La Spezia), to taste the Cinque Terre’s wines: the white wines Vermentino and Pigato or an extraordinary passito called Sciacchetrà. What about the pairings? The maitre replies…   …

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