
Italy’s top food fair “Cibus” opens to foreign markets. The biannual top food and beverage fair is gearing up for its 17th edition to take place in Parma in May with an eye on foreign markets because Italian food exports …

ROME – The traditional Vatican Christmas tree was recently raised in St Peter’s Square. The 25-meter fir that weighs 7,2 tons, chosen to decorate the church for the Eve Mass, was donated by the town of Waldmuenchen, in Germany. “We …

As we exchange gifts and recover from the debt accrued on our credit cards resulting from our holiday shopping, the end of December also means, at least for me, a time to get ready for the numismatic convention in New …

You need estate planning. It doesn’t matter how much you make. It doesn’t matter where you work. What matters is whether you want to decide where your assets – no matter how great or small – end up after you …

By Staff

“Il mio sogno è portare il sorriso, il coraggio e la speranza a tutti coloro che incontro”. Che sogno meraviglioso quello di don Tonino Bello, difficilissimo da realizzare, ma che è riuscito tante volte a tramutare in realtà. Come ha …

By Staff

Viterbo (near Rome), Sassari (Sardinia Island), Nola (near Naples) and Palmi (Calabria) have all been named by Unesco as notable for their “Celebrations of big shoulder-borne processional structures”. This is the UN Agency motivation: “The coordinated and equitable sharing of tasks in …

Many Americans of Italian descent make the same plaintive comment when asked about the origins of their immigrant ancestors: “My parents (or grandparents) never talked about it.”     I hope to help you discover long-lost information about your roots.  There are …

By Staff

Cosa ci si poteva aspettare dall’incontro, avvenuto per la prima volta nel ’66, tra Pasolini e New York? Il primo, allora profondamente marxista, cantore dei popoli del Terzo mondo, profetico nel denunciare le minacce della globalizzazione. La seconda, scintillante simbolo …

By Staff

Dear Readers, Happy New Year 2014 and as you list your New Year resolutions be sure to include giving gift subscriptions to L’Italo-Americano to all your friends and relatives throughout the year. ***   Readers with “studenti” in the family …

Michelangelo’s iconic statue of David will be the symbol of the Italian Pavilion at the Milan Expo 2015 global trade convention. Since 1504, when it was unveiled in Florence, it has been an emblem of the city republic’s pride and …

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