Dear Readers: Before I get into the ‘meat’ of genealogical investigations, I’d like to clear up any misconceptions or ill feelings caused by my use last month of the term ‘Italians and Sicilians’. I meant no disrespect to either group, …
Sul finire degli anni ’40 un virtuoso musicista, cantante e attore italo-americano noto anche come “il Valentino della fisarmonica”, conobbe in poco tempo un fulminante succcesso ed un altrettanto rapido e triste declino. Dick Contino, sebbene sia stato dimenticato …
On New Year’s Eve, Romans stagger into Piazza Pasquino and pelt me with dry lentils. Resembling coins, they symbolize good luck and are consumed in January throughout Lazio. Gourmands in Viterbo feast on lentils and cotechino. Rangers in the Aurunci …
Dear Readers, Happy New Year 2014 and as you list your New Year resolutions be sure to include giving gift subscriptions to L’Italo-Americano to all your friends and relatives throughout the year. *** Readers with “studenti” in the family …
Italy’s top food fair “Cibus” opens to foreign markets. The biannual top food and beverage fair is gearing up for its 17th edition to take place in Parma in May with an eye on foreign markets because Italian food exports …
Dear Readers, January, the month of Fresh Starts and Resolutions, even if just symbolic, are a useful way to put momentum behind good intentions. Resolutions can also draw you to to brighter place because they are inherently optimistic. If one …
According to the British newspaper The Times, the National Automobile Museum of Turin is among the 50 best museums in the world. It competes with the British Museum and the Smithsonian‘s in Washington and is at the 35th place in the classification. It has recently …
Mozzarellas coming from Germany and destined to Sicily, milk coming from Poland and destined to Lombardy, cheese coming from Belgium and destined to Veneto, hams coming from Germany and destined to Emilia Romagna, olives from Turkey, Greece and Spain for …
Cosa ci si poteva aspettare dall’incontro, avvenuto per la prima volta nel ’66, tra Pasolini e New York? Il primo, allora profondamente marxista, cantore dei popoli del Terzo mondo, profetico nel denunciare le minacce della globalizzazione. La seconda, scintillante simbolo …
You need estate planning. It doesn’t matter how much you make. It doesn’t matter where you work. What matters is whether you want to decide where your assets – no matter how great or small – end up after you …