San Francisco
“Italy is a Cultural Superpower” – An interview with the Consul General of Italy in San Francisco The Honorable Mauro Battocchi is the newly-appointed Consul General of Italy in San Francisco; he succeeded the Honorable Fabrizio Marcelli in September 2012. …
Mr. Jonathan Moscone is currently in his 12th season serving as Artistic Director of California Shakespeare Theater, organization that has its base in Berkeley. A renowned director, he has received an Award by the Stage Directors and Choreographers Foundation …
One of the questions I have most frequently been asked since being appointed to the Italian Cultural Institute is: What kind of commitment does Italy adopt in promoting its culture abroad and how difficult is this task in a world …
New Italian Cinema Completes its 16th year in San Francisco. To Andrea Segre’s “Shun Li and the Poet” the NICE City of Florence Concluding eight days of the best emerging Italian Cinema production, the Closing Night of New Italian Cinema …
Jennifer Barone has been living in San Francisco for many years, but other than her family, the thing she misses most about her childhood Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn is clearly the traditional and authentic food. With her book of …
Il clima elettorale che ha preceduto a San Francisco le Elezioni Presidenziali 2012, è stato allo stesso tempo di grande impegno politico e grande senso di civiltà. Le elezioni sono per il popolo americano un avvenimento molto sentito e …
I SF Giants campioni della “World League” di baseball. La gioia sportiva vista con uno sguardo quasi neutrale. Arancione e Nero sono stati i colori predominanti nelle ultime settimane a San Francisco, ed in particolare nella giornata di giovedì 1 Novembre. …
“There can be no future for Italy outside the Euro”. An interview with the Consul General of Italy in San Francisco Last week, L’Italo-Americano presented the first in a multi-part interview with the Honorable Mauro Battocchi, Consul General of Italy in San …
November means Italian cinema in SF The month of November has just started, and it is sure to be one of the most interesting ever for San Franciscans who love Italian film. Following a three-day “Cinema by the Bay” event, …
Valeria Golino con “Kryptonite” illumina la premiere del New Italian Cinema La serata inaugurale del festival “New Italian Cinema 2012”, arrivato alla sua 16^ edizione nella città di San Francisco, ha mantenuto le attese registrando il tutto esaurito e …