La Los Angeles Opera ed il suo direttore Placido Domingo annunciano la nuova stagione 2012-2013 che avrà inizio la sera del 15 settembre prossimo. Ad aprirla sarà una vetusta opera di Giuseppe Verdi, “I DUE FOSCARI” che fu eseguita …
L’Italo-Americano would like to thank all of the generous donators who made contributions to the relief efforts after the Emilia Romagna earthquake in Italy on May 20, 2012. Specifically, thanks to their unwavering solidarity and their dedication to the Italian …
Non capita tutti i giorni di poter trascorrere una gradevole “Serata Veneziana” nel cuore di Los Angeles, passeggiando tra eleganti statue da giardino e ascoltando suadenti canti lirici in una gradevole messa in scena della LA Opera con costumi d’epoca. …
Ferragosto is not only the mid-point of summer and a time to enjoy the warm weather; it’s also time to begin to prepare for the cooler days of autumn and the many fall events in the Italian Community. The largest …
The San Francisco Italian Athletic Club (SFIAC) will be holding its first annual “Race Day Raffle” on Sunday, August 12th. Of course, every non-profit organization holds raffles to raise a few bucks, but this year the SFIAC decided to kick …
What a great treat for members of F.I.L. who participated in the cruising of the channels of Huntington Harbour on July 14, 2012! The first group of members using two Gondolas was at 11:30 a.m. After that cruise, …
It seems that sometimes, the rest of the world appreciates the Italian classics better than Italy. Really Italian pop music has something, some kind of melody that makes it unique. Through the notes of some old –and less old- songs …
How do you keep a 95-year-old organization up to date? This is the question that the members of the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club (SFIAC) are bent on answering. To that very purpose they’ve done much in the last …
Non importa quanto l’Italia sia distante dalla California. La solidarietà è capace di fare migliaia di chilometri e persino di avvicinare l’Emilia Romagna, dove la terra ha tremato per settimane causando vittime, sfollati e tanti danni. L’Italo-Americano, come aveva già …
A long-time favorite of locals and tourists alike, Caesar’s Restaurant announced Saturday that it will close its doors on August 31st. The restaurant was known not only for its world-famous crab cioppino, but for its place as a regular …