
An author in the process of creating a story, who suddenly loses his inspiration and gives up on his work. He forgets that what he created will live forever, independently from him, but condemned to a tragic existence. The six …

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Non importa quanto l’Italia sia distante dalla California. La solidarietà è capace di fare migliaia di chilometri e persino di avvicinare l’Emilia Romagna, dove la terra ha tremato per settimane causando vittime, sfollati e tanti danni. L’Italo-Americano, come aveva già …

YADA’s dancers swing, kick, pirouette and lift daily. Ballet shoes are hung and re-worn for Nina’s classes. Matias, the 12-year old mascot dancer, travels from over the sea weekly from the sister-island of Gozo to rehearse. Felix and the other …

By Staff

With the arrival of summer, even in the chilly city of San Francisco, there is a warmer and relaxed atmosphere. During the long joyful days of sunshine, while attending one of the several music festivals, being part of one unique …

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Among other delicacies of the Italian cuisine, there’s one that everyone loves: ice cream. Italian ice cream, though, hasn’t that much in common with its American version, that’s why we’ll simply call it with its original name: Gelato.   Trying …

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Francesco Moser, one of the world’s most iconic riders of all times, will be attending the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Los Angeles-Pasadena on July 21 and 22, 2012. Francesco Moser is a living legend of cycling: with an impressive record …

The Italian American Heritage Foundation (IAHF) will be presenting its 32nd Annual Italian Family Festa 2012 in San Jose next month. Italian culture and local history will convene in an eventful weekend-long celebration at the Guadalupe River Park and Gardens …

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Non capita tutti i giorni di poter trascorrere una gradevole “Serata Veneziana” nel cuore di Los Angeles, passeggiando tra eleganti statue da giardino e ascoltando suadenti canti lirici in una gradevole messa in scena della LA Opera con costumi d’epoca. …

Road to Valor: A True Story of World War II Italy, the Nazis, and the Cyclist Who Inspired a Nation is the first book written in the English language about Gino Bartali, Italian cyclist champion and national legend.  It is …

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Pacific Ballet Dance Theatre (PBDT), formerly known as the Media City Ballet Company since its formation in 2001 in Burbank, brings Dance in the USA to the Ford Amphitheatre on Friday, August 17, 2012, 8:30 p.m. Known for its preservation …

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