
The new year starts in the spirit of tradition and innovation   Cari Lettori, While we were preparing for this last 2012 issue of L’Italo-Americano we looked back on the year with pride in all of our accomplishments.     We began …

L’anno 2013 è stato dichiarato dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri “l’Anno della Cultura Italiana negli Stati Uniti”. Anche la città  di San Francisco si appresta ad ospitare una serie di eventi inaugurali che marcano l’inizio di una manifestazione di così …

By Staff

Here we are with L’Italo-Americano last issue of 2012. Another year has gone and we couldn’t be happier with what we –you readers and we the staff- have done together.   We are here to capture all the best of …

By Staff

December Nights a Balboa Park: in fila per le prelibatezze della House of Italy   Venerdi 7 e sabato 8 dicembre Balboa Park e’ stato illuminato per la 35ima volta consecutiva dalle mille luci e colori del Festival December Nights. …

By Staff

464 S. Main Street, Downtown Los Angeles. Portofino Cucina Italiana is a small, intimate restaurant, yet elegant and easy going.   Neapolitan Diego Ortoli chose a not-so-obvious location. Downtown L.A. is in fact the main business district of the area …

By Staff

“Research, discovery, and innovation are keys to understanding the spirit of the Year of Italian Culture in the United States.  This project, organized under the auspices of the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, aims at showcasing Italian creativity …

By Staff

This Saturday, December 15, Sherman Oaks –one of the most prestigious areas of Los Angeles- will host the first American exhibit of icons by Paola Maria Savoia. Italian artist Paola Maria Savoia was born in Genoa in 1960. As her …

By Staff

La University of Southern California è conosciuta in tutto il mondo, ma ancora in pochi sanno della comunità italiana che è recentemente nata al suo interno. Nello scorso mese di Ottobre è stata ufficialmente fondata e riconosciuta la USC Italian …

By Staff

San Diego’s Colorful Little Italy – A perfect stage for a Sicilian Festival San Diego’s Sicilian American community invites everyone to “Eat, Drink & Be Sicilian” for a day as part of the 19th Annual  SICILIAN FESTIVAL celebration in Little …

By Staff

The four components of the group Taluna, artistically formed in Turin but with very different backgrounds, define their musical style as “Space Folk Made in Italy”.   Through their great musical talent they brought the atmosphere of the Mediterranean to …

By Staff
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In Italian
All Around Italy