Tra le montagne della Regione Veneto, poco lontano dal confine con l’Austria, svetta Cortina. Conosciuta soprattutto come località sciistica e meta dei vacanzieri della stagione invernale, Cortina è uno dei gioielli d’Italia nonché patrimonio dell’UNESCO. Eppure, nonostante sia tra le …
Creare cultura per combattere la povertà Quando è nata, nel 2004, la Fregenet School di Addis Abeba, Etiopia, aveva a disposizione piccoli spazi in affitto, arredati con tavoli, sedie, materiale didattico di base e qualche materassino per dormire. Oggi, a …
North Beach Citizens’ “An Italian Dinner Celebration” 12th Annual Spring Fundraiser For the twelfth year, “An Italian Dinner Celebration” will welcome the San Francisco community for a dazzling evening of authentic Italian fare and live entertainment for a fantastic cause. …
Seeking a little of La Dolce Vita in California? Now you can find it in Orange County! Newport Beach is ready to launch Newport Italian, a very special store, where you can experience different aspects of Italy, from a hot …
Kicking off Italy’s “Year of Italian Culture in the USA”, the Museo ItaloAmericano is pleased to present the a new exhibit featuring five contemporary Italian artists. From April 18 through July 21, 2013, in celebration of Italy’s arts the …
The Italian Consul General of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles COMITES, along with the Harbor area Italian American organizing committee, have announced that a community wide meeting and seminar will take place in San Pedro this coming April 18, …
The legend says that in 1178 A.D. the wife of General Altieri, named Stella Beatrice, lay dying and without hope. Suddenly, she jumped up and cried out “I am cured, a lady has awakened me three times and assured me …
Early last month, the new play Fallaci made its world premiere at the Berkeley Repertory Theatre. The presentation on the iconic Italian journalist will be on stage at the Roda Theatre through Sunday, April 21st. Written by Lawerence Wright, …
Si è tenuta lo scorso fine settimana la gara mondiale di ballo di coppia San Francisco Open Dancesport Championships, dedicata alle specialità “ballroom” e latino-americani, la quale ha registrato la partecipazione di ballerini professionisti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. …
The city of San Francisco has always been universally recognized as a city of great artists and musicians, and among different kind of music styles, jazz has certainly played a first class role. With the exception perhaps of the historic …