On Tuesday, April 30th 2013 the 14th annual Newport Beach Film Festival will present its Italian Spotlight, an evening celebration of Italian cinema and culture. The event will feature the Orange County premiere of the highly acclaimed film, Immature – …
Sono arrivati alla Chiesa Italiana di San Pietro da vicino e da lontano, dalla città e dalla contea. Ma tutti con fede ardente e religiosità e moltissimi con gli occhi pieni di commozione. La loro provenienza e nazionalità non importava. …
The upcoming 56th San Francisco International Film Festival will feature a wide selection of diverse and innovative cinema from all over the world to the Bay Area audience. The SFIFF is the longest-running film festival in the Americas. The …
Last week in The City, the institutional representatives of four prominent cultural powers of Europe came together to organize a one-of-a-kind event: “European Language Fair: A Taste of Europe.” Thanks to the partnership of The Alliance Francaise, the Goethe …
The evening of Saturday, April 13, 2013 the San Francisco Chapter of the Associazione Liguri nel Mondo celebrated, at the Basque Cultural Center of South San Francisco, its twenty-seventh (27 th) annual Festa dei Fiori. The event was emceed …
Visitors and residents strolling and rolling north along India street in Little Italy may have found a good reason to cross the street at Hawthorne instead of the customary left turn at the corner after Mona Lisa. Continue …
After the success of Matteo Garrone’s last film, Reality, Santa Barbara dedicates 3 nights to one of the most controversial yet admired Italian directors, with a retrospective organized by UCSB Professor Anna Brusutti and co-sponsored by the Carsey-Wolf Center and …
Chi crede che “pizza, spaghetti e mandolino” sia il motto che meglio rappresenta l’Italia si sbaglia. Pochi, forse, sanno che alcuni tra i più grandi inventori, artisti, scultori, storici, letterati e uomini dai più alti intenti, provengono proprio dallo stivale …
Benvenuto San Diego e ben tornato! Welcome San Diego and welcome back to the L’Italo-Americano Italian Community section where we are particularly excited to have your dedicated section back in print. Community is a vital and important value to …
“It was more than music.” This is the slogan of the campaign launched by Hot Italian, a modern Italian-American joint venture Pizzeria in Sacramento, in collaboration with the Tower Records Project. The project was established to fund the …