
Da oltre sette secoli c’è una speciale ricorrenza religiosa che rende la città di Assisi meta di pellegrinaggio per milioni di fedeli da ogni parte del mondo: la Festa del Perdono, la cui celebrazione si tiene ogni 2 agosto.   …

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Located in the very heart of Pasadena, the Playhouse District, Mark Piscitelli’s men’s boutique has been welcoming its customers since 1991. By offering them a vast collection of European-style manufactured and tailor-made clothes, it represents an outstanding example of Italians’ …

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She possesses a certain light.  Like an archangel illuminating your pathway.  You can’t see what lies ahead, but no worry.  You are illuminated patiently and compassionately one word at a time. Rossella Chiolini was born and raised in Pavia.  A …

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The ”HollyShorts” film festival has come to its 9th edition, taking place from August 15 to 25 at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. This renowned event, showcasing the best independent short movies from all over the world, features this year …

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Celebrating their 97th Anniversary, Italian Community Services will be honoring Maestro Luisotti at their annual dinner in October.  The event will be held once again at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in San Francisco, on Sunday evening, October 27, 2013.  Cocktails …

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Pappalecco Hosts Wine Tasting Event  (Wednesday, July 17) About fifty enthusiastic people converged at Pappalecco in Hillcrest Wednesday evening to attend a delightful wine tasting event featuring Castellani Wines from Tuscany, Italy.  Enthusiasts paid $19 for a glass which included …

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Venerdì 2 agosto l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles ha aperto le porte ai colori e ai sapori dell’Oriente, in occasione della retrospettiva “Puro ed impuro: i film di Pier Paolo Pasolini” (Billy Wilder e Aero Theatre, 2 agosto …

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It was Saturday afternoon when a blue Dodge suddenly ran down the crowd along the Venice Beach boardwalk. The area is packed every day with residents and tourists strolling and shopping, who are even more numerous at that time of …

At its recent General Membership/Scholarship Awards dinner, the Stockton Chapter of Liguri Nel Mondo presented $11,250 to ten graduating high school seniors.  Each candidate submitted an application which included their scholastic achievement, high school activities, community involvement, letters of recommendation …

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 As festa season in the San Francisco Bay Area continues to unfold, Italians, Italian-Americans and Italophiles are gathering to gorge on all the Italianità they can get their hands on.  From Sacramento to San Jose, and from Stockton to San …

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