Los Angeles
PALM SPRINGS – Una nuova stagione di cinema iniziata, e a dare il via il Palm Springs International Film Festival. Giunto alla 24esima edizione, il festival con i suoi oltre 100 film provenienti da 60 Paesi è un’importante vetrina per gli …
Da Genova a Los Angeles, passando per Milano: questa è la strada che ha percorso Paola Maria Savoia e che l’ha portata alla sua prima mostra negli Stati Uniti, sabato 15 dicembre, a Sherman Oaks. Pittrice per passione, Paola ha …
Otto e ½ – Fellini’s masterpiece celebrates its 50th anniversary in Hollywood Otto e ½ like the number of films he had directed until that moment; Fellini’s masterpiece is a dreamlike portrait of contemporary society seen through the eyes of …
On Saturday, December 8, 2012 F.I.L. held its annual Christmas Gala at the Mission Viejo Country Club. Through the hustle and bustle of the preparation for the Christmas Season, chairlady Carolyn Minnot found time to be quite busy planning the …
The Patrons of Italian Culture Board of Directors and several invited members returned from their ‘annual’ 4 day Board Retreat in Vancouver, B.C. Canada, Oct. 18-21. This was the first Board retreat held outside of the United States and proved …
Al via la 24esima edizione del Palm Springs International Film Festival – Ecco i Film italiani in concorso Si apre giovedì 3 gennaio la 24esima edizione del Palm Springs International Film Festival, dove verranno presentati oltre 100 film provenienti da …
Tra antico e moderno – A Tustin un presepe artigianale da non perdere Se gli americani sono maestri nelle decorazioni natalizie di ogni genere, c’è però un aspetto, legato alla tradizione, in cui gli Italiani sembrano essere degli esperti: il …
LOS ANGELES. 12/12/12 was truly a special day for the members and friends of the Abruzzesi and Molisani Club that gathered at Villa Scalabrini in Sunland for their Christmas Party. It was truly a joyous occasion. After finding their seats …
Glassmaking in Antiquity – The Getty Villa now hosting glass-handling sessions In 2003, the Getty Villa acquired the Oppenländer collection. With a remarkable cultural and chronological breadth, the collection features over 180 ancient glass objects, including works made in Mesopotamia, …
In a few months, Italians will be electing their new Prime Minister. Italians all over the world will also have the chance to vote from abroad. It’s the first election since the collapse of the financial crisis; this is not …