Los Angeles

Quanti di noi sanno che molte delle componenti dei telefoni cellulari, di cui oggi non possiamo più fare a meno, sono state ideate da illustri scienziati italiani? L’antenata della batteria che li alimenta fu un’invenzione di Alessandro Volta nel XIX …

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L’arte contemporanea può affondare le sue origini in tecniche antichissime. A ricordarcelo sono le opere del pittore Danilo Giannoni, attualmente esposte alla galleria L.A. Artcore di Los Angeles. In occasione di questa mostra curata da Carolina Lio e organizzata dall’associazione …

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Bridges to Italy is a non-profit business association established in 2007 in Los Angeles and with an Italian chapter in Southern Italy, in the Calabria region. It is committed to support Italian technology startups and small or medium-size companies in …

People usually find robots fascinating, especially when they look human like the iCub does. This outstanding example of the Italian progress in the fields of robotics, neuroscience and technology is the result of an EU-funded project started in 2004 at …

On the occasion of the celebration honoring the Italian Saint Padre Pio, the President of the San Padre Pio Society Maria Bruno invited to Los Angeles some students from the Med Music Talent Academy of Bari, Italy, to perform in …

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On the occasion of the panel discussion and exhibition “Italy of the Future” which took place at the Italian Cultural Institute on Wednesday, September 4, we had the opportunity to meet two generations of brilliant scientists represented by Dr. Vito …

Circa 41 miglia a sud est di Hollywood si trova il lungomare paradisiaco e ultra-chic di Newport, California, sede del Pelican Hill Resort, costruito su un promontorio splendido e sereno che si affaccia sull’Oceano Pacifico. L’Italo-americano ha incontrato lo chef …

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In the National Italian American Heritage Month, coinciding with the festivities surrounding Columbus Day, the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles (IAMLA) presents the 5th edition of Taste of Italy taking place on October 12, 2013 in Downtown Los Angeles.  …

On Saturday, September 7, the Beverly Canon Gardens turned into an authentic Italian piazza featuring typical food, wine, coffee, and live music. On the occasion of “Sotto le Stelle” (Under the Stars), a special preview of the “Hit Week” festival …

The George L. Graziadio Center for Italian Studies is proud to present a one-day conference on legendary Italian filmmaker Michelangelo Antonioni Saturday, Sept. 28, from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm. “1912-2013: 101 Years of Michelangelo Antonioni” is co-sponsored by the …

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