Los Angeles

Siamo arrivati a fine anno e con questa Special Edition, che anticipa le festività natalizie, vogliamo ancora una volta ringraziare i fedeli abbonati e i lettori in costante crescita, anche sui canali telematici, del nostro L’Italo Americano.    Da gennaio …

Di origini romane ed erede del talento musicale dei nonni, Alessandra Belloni ha intrapreso molto presto la carriera di artista, studiando canto e recitazione in Italia.    Nel corso di una vacanza negli Stati Uniti, si convince a restare in …

By Staff

What is so fascinating about celebrities? When we see them in the movies, on the stage, or on the cover of magazines, they look like extraordinary human beings dealing with success and perfection in their lives. And perhaps this is …

The secret of the happy marriage between Italian cinema and food was revealed on the occasion of Movie’n’Food, a special dinner hosted by the Italian Cultural Institute on November 13, featuring an abundant and exquisite menu inspired by the movies …

Founded in 1977, and currently chaired by Senior Appellate Attorney Rebecca A. Delfino, the Italian American Lawyers Association is committed to foster social and professional connections among lawyers and judges, as well as to promote and participate in community activities. …

Organized by The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, the exhibit Face to Face: Flanders, Florence, and Renaissance Painting will be on view in the Museum’s MaryLou and George Boone Gallery until January 13, 2014. Inspired by the exhibition …

La Mille Miglia è stata la gara automobilistica più prestigiosa d’Italia. Ha avuto luogo ventiquattro volte dal 1927 al 1957, con una pausa di 6 anni tra il 1941 e il 1947 a causa dello scoppio della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. …

By Staff

After a long delay, the much-awaited Master of Arts degree in Italian Studies has been approved by the Academic Senate of the California State University, Long Beach. Strongly supported by the George L. Graziadio Center for Italian Studies, represented by …

  There is a sort of heritage clothing that screams “look at me” with tacky, silly stereotypes. And then there is Shirts of the World, a small business created a few years ago by two brilliant entrepreneurs  of the East Coast, …

By Staff

Cari Lettori, This year is coming to an end, and with this Special Edition preceding Christmas festivities we want to thank, once again, our loyal subscribers and our readers,  constantly increasing in number, who also follow L’Italo-Americano online. Since January, …

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