Tony Ghezzo

On December 8, 2013 “La Fameja Veneta” held its Christmas party at the Portofino Restaurant in La Habra. As usual the president of the club, Maria Varlotta, expertly assisted by capable Bepi Sugar, did a great job in organizing the …

On March 19, hundreds and hundreds of swallows will be back to San Juan Capistrano after a trip of almost 6,000 miles. Yes, very punctually these wonderful birds, on March 19 (Saint Joseph’s Day) every year come back punctually to …

On January 19th, 2014, the Abruzzesi e Molisani di California celebrated their 24th Anniversary at the Castaway restaurant, beautifully located at the top of a hill in Burbank. Approximately 100 members, relatives and friends were delighted to participate to such …

Quanto segue è il testo originale del professore Giovanni De Agostini (1863-1941) editore, geografo, cartografo e fondatore della casa editrice De Agostini di Milano. Il testo, stampato per “Italia Viva”, la rivista mensile che aveva lo scopo di descrivere dettagliatamente …