Los Angeles

The 2016 Hollywood Fringe Festival (June 9-26) – annual, open-access, community-derived event dedicated to showcase uncensored contemporary stage talent – is celebrating its seventh anniversary. After six editions of ever increasing success, today the event has become a fixture of …

La Festa Nazionale del 2 Giugno celebra la Repubblica Italiana, nata 70 anni fa dal Referendum istituzionale del 1946, e rappresenta un’importante ricorrenza anche per rafforzare il nostro senso di Unità nazionale. Festeggiarla in America non rende meno intensa, al …

Editor Gabriella Cristiani (born in Foggia, city in Apulia, southern region of Italy), had the fortune to grow up in the film circles of Bologna (Emilia-Romagna region of Italy), living and breathing the excellence of Italian cinema, between the late …

The dynamic and talented Speranza Scappucci was in Los Angeles preparing for her West Coast debut as a conductor for the LA Opera production of La bohème recently. She brings to that production her diverse international experience, derived from an …

Paola Maria Savoia, native of Genoa (capital of Liguria, northwestern region of Italy), directly descends from the illegitimate branch of the aristocratic Savoia lineage, which was Italy’s former Royal Family (until the introduction of the republic in 1946). About five …

To celebrate on June 2nd the 70th Festa della Repubblica, our National Day, the Consulate General of Italy wants to highlights the Italian artistic presence and the many testimonies of our cultural heritage in Los Angeles, giving a chance to …

By Staff

According to the official statistics, offered by the Registry of Italians Resident Abroad (A.I.R.E.), over 27.000 Italians leave their home country behind, every year (actually, the numbers double, if we consider the unofficial data of those unregistered). Mind that we …

By Staff

As a child, Pat (Pasquale) Senatore rebelled against a future, already written by his father, who wanted him to become the new violin virtuoso. Luckily for all of us, he followed his bent for plucking the strings instead of drawing …

On June 2nd, 1946, Italians expressed their preference, through the institutional referendum held by universal suffrage. Republic won over Monarchy, with about two million differential in the ballots. 70 years later, at the Petersen Automotive Museum (along the so-called “Museum …

By Staff

Diane Favro, Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at UCLA, as well as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the School of the Arts and Architecture, is one of the most prominent experts in Ancient Roman architecture. Don’t tell her …

Word of the Day
In Italian
All Around Italy