The Italian Connection

Dear Readers, When Christopher Columbus landed on the Caribbean island he later named San Salvador on October 12, 1492, a “New World” was discovered and the future history of the entire world was altered. “Grazie” to Signor M.A. and other …

By Staff

Dear Readers, January is named after Janus, the Roman god of doorways, beginnings and endings. According to Roman mythology, Janus, an ancient king of Italy, was the son of Apollo and Creusa. Husband of Jana, father of Iberius by Camasena, …

Dear Readers,   The 126th Tournament of Roses Parade, held on the first day of each New Year in Pasadena, California, had its theme this year “Inspiring Stories”. Featured was a “riderless horse” that represented Grand Marshall Louis Zamperini, a …

Dear Readers, Giovanni da Verrazzano’s namesake New York, double-decked suspension bridge which lost a z in the translation, turns 50 this month. Then New York Mayor, Robert F. Wagner cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. The upper level of …

Dear Readers, November notes with an Italian connection: Thanksgiving Day is celebrated the fourth Thursday in November, since it was so fixed by President Lincoln in 1864. The custom dated back to the day of Thanksgiving set aside by the …

Dear Readers, Christmas Sing-Alongs are always fun be they in Italian, English or a little bit of both. Here are some lyrics to help you get started: Christmas Sing-alongs in Italian TU SCENDI DALLE STELLE Tu scendi dalle stelle, O Re del …

Dear Readers, December is here, but while “Jesus is the reason for the Season”, each year it seems the focus becomes the ringing of cash registers rather than church bells. Do your holiday shopping with an Italian connection: ***   …

Dear Readers, L’Italo-Americano’s director, Simone Schiavinato, recently wrote that we must celebrate not only the discovery of America, but the Italian American spirit that pushes forward in Silicon Valley, startups that create high tech products made in Italy and relocated …

Dear Readers, Lee Iacocca, the outspoken, straight-shooting businessman, who as Chief Executive Officer of Chrysler, brought the company back from the brink to booming success, after being knocked out as president of the Ford Motor Company, by Henry, in a …

Dear Readers, Author Goffredo Palmerini, who hails from the land of the “forte ma gentile” people in Abruzzi, Italy, has recently gifted the Italian reading public around the world with another gem of a book “L’Italia Dei Sogni” and his …

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