Today’s word is much needed these days. Buondì (boo-ohn-dee, with the accent on the -dee!) is a colloquial term used to say “good morning” or “good day.” It is the union of two other words, buon (“good”) and dì (an old-fashioned version of “day”), and …
I am writing this close to midday, and I am telling you: the idea of having a nice tomato salad with a burrata on the side, dressed with just a hint of oregano and extra virgin olive oil on top is driving …
Primavera (pree-mah-vai-rah) is the first season of the year, spring. Primavera is, for nature and for everyone on Earth, a moment of rebirth. Days are longer, the air is full of scents and the landscape of colors: all it’s new again! …
Our special word this week is a tricky one because it can truly be interpreted in a million ways. Quandomai – or quando mai, as an adverbial locution– (koo-ahn-doh mah-ee) is formed by two separate time adverbs, quando (when) and mai (ever). We use it commonly, in all …
Today’s word, invece (een-vai-tchai) is the union of two terms, in and vece and we started using it sometimes in the 18th century as a single word, but its use was common before, but as a locution, with examples found even in Dante’s work. In English, …
Radio Trastevere Gallery, il nuovo spazio a Roma dedicato all’arte contemporanea, inaugura con un ciclo di quattro mostre pop up intitolato “Fuori Catalogo. Wandering Pop Up Art Exhibition”. Protagonisti del ciclo espositivo saranno gli artisti Maria Donata Papadia, Manuele Geromini, …
A Bologna, in occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Terra, a Palazzo Aldrovandi Montanari va in scena “La prima Cosa bella” che l’artista Gianluca Chiodi dedica alla Madre Terra. La mostra anticipa il più ampio Progetto espositivo Hearth, articolato in cinque “stazioni visive”, che sono il frutto della lunga …
Burano is one of the three picturesque islands – the other two are Murano and Torcello – that share the lagoon with Venezia. Burano is known for two things: its lace-making tradition and the bright colors of its houses. If you have been to Burano, you know …
Easter wouldn’t be Easter in Italy without chocolate eggs: yes, I know they are quite popular in other parts of the world, like Ireland and the UK, for instance, but we think that in Italy the art of chocolate egg making and …
A The Phair, la fiera internazionale dedicata alla fotografia e all’immagine in scena a Torino Esposizioni dal 26 al 29 maggio, il progetto espositivo “Sul Corpo” con i lavori di due celebri fotografi conosciuti in tutto il mondo, quali Paolo …