Simone Schiavinato

The earth is fertile again, light wins over darkness, budding flowers regenerate dry, naked branches. In the past, for those communities who lived of agriculture and whose survival depended on the cycles of nature, the Spring Equinox had a very …

“Made in Italy: a story rooted in a deep culture of beauty, uniqueness and harmony, combined with the ingenuity and vision that, throughout the centuries, helped Italy innovate in all arts and industries. Part of our Made in Italy’s history …

When, three months ago, classes were suspended because of the coronavirus emergency, no one celebrated. Lazy students may have breathed  a sight of relief, but the vast majority of our kids and teens did feel the weight of the lockdown …

“I am not Italian,  I’m Neapolitan: it’s different.” This is what Sophia Loren had  to say in an interview given just  before  her  Academy Tribute, on the 4th of March 2011. On another occasion, while speaking about her grandchildren, she …

Italian-American literature of the second half of the 20th century described a world divided between generations, often very different from one another. Between two Fatherlands, between opposite perceptions and views of what Italy and America were. It described the American …

Let’s start with a concept that is not as obvious as it seems: identity is something to be invented. Each of us is the declension, the free and very personal interpretation of a culture, a language, a territory, a piece …

The Italian Dream. Because there is not only the American myth, the Far West to be conquered, the land of a thousand opportunities, that boundless horizon where dreams can become reality. October, the month of Italian Heritage, has this merit: …

This past 4th of July, the US Embassy in Rome celebrated the 244th Independence Day anniversary unusually. It didn’t only move all celebrations online — because of the pandemic and the consequent ban on gatherings — but it also decided …

Italy has still a long way to go before gender equality in the world of science is reached: with only 35% of its women being employed in the fields of science or engineering, the country  is only at the 23rd …

Not many countries in the world make of their clean laundry a street decoration, but Italy does. From Venice to Florence, from Naples to Bozen, lines of blues and reds, browns and yellows and greens and whites, all hang out …